- 1). Clean your face at least twice per day with a gentle cleanser that contains no oil or alcohol. Scrub gently, not hard, or you will cause futher inflammation.
- 2). Exfoliate at least three times a week. Apply the exfoliating cream and gently rub it in circles, especially around the nose, chin and forehead. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells and promote new, healthy skin by unclogging pores to reduce blackheads and whiteheads.
- 3). Use a daily toner that contains salicylic acid.
- 4). Moisturize daily so your skin stays supple. Hydrated skin is less likely to have outbreaks.
- 5). Use pore strips to unclog pores in your T-zone (chin, forehead and nose). Place the strips on wet skin and allow them to sit for a few minutes before pulling them off.
- 6). Take vitamins A and C. These nutrients help to encourage the growth of new cells and eliminate old cells from causing a breakout.
- 7). Steam your face to loosen any dirt deep down in your skin. Boil a pot of water and remove it from the heat. Drape a towel over your head and lean over the water to catch the steam vapors. Be careful not to get burned.
- 8). Use a facial mask tailored to your skin type, available a drug store or beauty supply store. Apply with a cotton ball, let the mask sit as indicated by the instructions, then rinse or peel off as directed.