Home & Garden Gardening

Types of Bougainvillea

    Bougainvillea Spectabilis

    • This species of bougainvillea is very large and has curvy thorns with hairy leaves and stems. It is a climber that has short branches and pale-colored bark. The bracts are large and crinkly and may be rose, purple or rust-red in color. The flowers are thin, hairy and cream colored. The leaves of the bougainvillea spectabilis are large and round with a hairy underside and leather-like texture. This species was discovered in 1798.

    Bougainvillea Peruviana

    • The bougainvillea peruviana has looser, more open branches. It is also a climber and has spiny green spreading bark. The leaves are thin and oval shaped. The bracts of this species are small, round and crinkly. The colors range from light to dark magenta. Flowers appear after the plants have had strong growth in dry weather. The bougainvillea peruviana was discovered in 1808.

    Bougainvillea Glabra

    • The bougainvillea glabra was discovered in 1849. It has thin branches that are widely spread out. The pointy, triangle-shaped bracts may be lilac, purple, mauve or white in color. The thorns are short, narrow and have curvy tips. Leaves are wider in the center. The flowers are cream in color and are tube shaped. The flowers bloom continuously and may reach all the way down the branch.

    Bougainvillea X Buttiana

    • This species is a common hybrid of the B. glabra x B. peruviana. It originates from Trinidad. The leaves are hairy on both sides and large and round or heart shaped. The thorns are short and straight and the bracts are normally round. They may be dark pink or red in color. The flowers are small and pinkish-cream or may be the same color as the bracts.This plant blooms throughout the year and needs to be pruned frequently.

    Bougainvillea X Spectroperuviana

    • Another common hybrid is the bougainvillea x spectroperuviana. It has large, hairless, dark green oval-shaped leaves. The bracts begin as a copper red color but then change to a variety of pinks or magentas with age. It has cream-colored flowers and straight thorns. This species is very large and blooms often throughout the year.

    Bougainvillea X Spectoglabra

    • The bougainvillea x spectoglabra is another common bougainvillea hybrid. It has purple or mauve bracts with small, dark green leaves. This species is very thorny and has small white flowers. It blooms often during the year and has thick branches.

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