- 1). Determine how much your art is worth. Plug in your piece at an art value website such as FindArtInfo.com to see what pops up. Figure out your price value from that information and tidbits gleaned from art-pricing books. Find art value books at your local library.
- 2). Figure out if the piece is worth selling. Items that you keep for sentimental purposes may not get you top dollar at your garage sale. If the art piece doesn't sell, either keep it or give it away to someone who will appreciate the piece.
- 3). Some people display items with a low price tag when the piece is really worth much more, according to Dr. Lori, yard sale expert with a Ph.D. in art history who appears in national newspapers and television shows. It's worth it to do a little homework to see if your art may have hidden value.
- 4). Create two piles: one with art to sell at your garage sale and the other with pieces you will want to sell elsewhere.
- 5). Decide how much to price your yard sale item at based on the information you gathered on the art's value.
- 6). Figure out beforehand how low you are willing to go to get rid of the art. Refrain from selling the piece at your yard sale if you can't sell the art at your low-bargaining price.
- 7). Display price where people can clearly understand what you're asking. Yard sale shoppers often get frustrated if they can't read the amount. Customers will approach for the asking price. If you don't know beforehand, they may try to deal down the cost. You might wind up saying yes just to sell the item, whereas before, you would have received the higher price without an issue; and, if you don't sell the item then, you can always list it somewhere else.