Health & Medical Mental Health

What Are Feelings Anyway?

Have you ever asked yourself what are feelings? Where do they come from? What are they for? Feelings can tell us a little about are selves, just like a flight gauge tells the pilot where to go.
They are there to guide us to let us know where we are on this roller coaster we call life.
From a psychological stand point feelings constitute a signaling system that directs where you are at in your thinking process.
Everything around us, not only in our minds but in our hearts also and is influenced by people, places and things.
Feelings are a very important part of our lives; they provide grain and color for our life.
Without them we would just go through life being numb and without emotion.
We would be like robots.
Feelings can be very unpredictable and can show up at anytime.
If you are very sensitive to your feelings it can be very difficult at times as to what to do with them.
When you are on a journey about changing your thoughts and habits a lot of people get confused as to what to do with your feelings.
Most programs out there do not ever even discuss this.
Because of this you begin to question what do I need to do with them? A lot of people think you have to get rid of these bad feelings or just sweep them under the carpet.
I spent a long time trying to figure out what to do with these feelings.
After all most self help programs tell you to just think positive.
Then some time back I read a book by Lola Jones and there it was.
You learn to process these feelings and don't turn them into a story.
Other words don't make more out of it than it really is.
You want to acknowledge these feelings and move on.
The idea here is that you want to start living with the good feelings more often and to release the bad ones.
When you worry about things or have bad feelings you begin to block the energy flow.
By just accepting the feeling you are have and not dwelling on this feeling you allow the energy to flow through and the bad feelings start to fade and your stress level will lower.
A good way to help with your feelings and to understand where you are at is start a journal.
Journaling is a very good way to release your feelings and to let them move on through.
Write everyday about how you are feeling and what you are grateful for or whatever it is you want to write about.
You never know it might lead to some amazing things.
When you it seems to get it out of your head and makes it a lot easier to let go of whatever it is that is bothering you.
Write down the good, the bad and the ugly and be very grateful for the good feelings you are having and rave about them.
You really want to play these good feelings up and let everyone know about them.
Write a story about these good feelings and let the world know about them if you have to.
This seems to help keep these good feelings around longer and start to happen more often.
Feelings are just that they are feelings, they are not right or wrong, good or bad they are just feelings.
We need to learn to cope with all types of feelings and learn to control them and not the other way around.
Feelings can affect you in a good way or you can let them have negative affects on your life.
Feelings can change our body chemistry and it could get into our psyche and create disease.
If you are free from stressing about certain things like money, relationships, bills and whatever else we can have feelings about or stress about we would live much healthier, happier lives.
By learning to deal with our feelings properly we can begin to do some amazing things in our life.
Make a list of feeling words from bad feelings to good feelings and post it somewhere so that you can look at it often.
See where you are at on your flight gauge and see if you are headed towards happiness and bliss or are you headed in the opposite direction.
The lower you are on your flight plan the more resistance you are in and the energy is being blocked.
You want to try and keep yourself always pointed up by pointing the nose of your plane up ever so slightly to keep heading in the right direction.
This is intended to help you understand that feelings are a part of your daily life and that it is OK to feel good, bad, happy, sad or whatever feeling that arises.
All feelings are good feelings, so learn to except them and let the energy flow.
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