- 1). Enter your flight number in a search engine. For example, if your flight number is United Airlines 158, simply type in "United 158" and hit "Search." At the top of the page you will find your flight information. It will include the estimated departure and arrival.
- 2). Call your airline. Select the flight information option and enter the flight number. Your airline's automated service will give you details about your flight.
- 3). Visit your airline's website. Every airline has a section on their homepage for flight status. Type your flight number in the space designated and receive up-to-date details concerning you flight.
- 4). Go to a flight tracking websites. These websites offer a number of ways track your flight. You can search by airline code, airline, city and flight number. Some flight tracking websites also offer flight tracker apps you can download to your mobile phone, if you need to track your flight on the go.