Quick fat loss cannot be achieved overnight. It takes a lot of time to trim those flabs away. Let's face it there is nothing sexier than a perfectly trimmed washboard abs. So if you want to achieve a flat stomach here are 8 tips to follow:.
Tip #1:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Water is good for our the body. It does not only flush the toxins away, from our body but it also cleanses it. Water has several properties that are vital for life. 70% of our body is made up of water that is why it is important. Consuming an adequate amount of water will help us lose the fats.
Always check your food intake. Always eat in moderation. Eating 5 small meals a day is a better diet than eating 3 heavy meals. Food needs a minimum of 3-4 hours to be fully digested. But sometimes it also depends on what you eat. Meat may stay more than a week on your tummy. Always check what you eat and be sure that you always have the 3 basic food groups in your menu.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables helps a lot in digestion because they are rich in fiber. Pineapple, papaya and a lot of greens are examples of foods that contain a lot of fiber.
Reduce the intake of salty foods. Eating a lot of junk foods gives your body a lot of salt. You may not notice that when you eat a lot of salty and processed food,s there are o significant results even no matter how much you exercise your abs cannot be seen it is because excessive consumption of salt retains water in your body, which covers the sexy abs that you always wanted.
Avoid stress. You may not see it, but stress causes weight gain. When we you are stressed, your body thinks that we you need to fight and respond like we you are about to be harmed. Our Your body, when stressed, releases a lot of hormones that causes a shift in metabolism and blood flow.
Sleep 8-10 hours everyday. There is nothing important than a good night sleep. Lack of sleeping hours and hours causes stress. It also causes us one to be lazy, which may affect our exercise routines. Without enough sleep we you may feel tired and weak, which may cause eto excessive eating, where weif you use eating as an alternative to get energized.
Stop indulging on sweets. Yes having a sweet treat is nice but too much of it is bad. Chocolates, candies, ice creams, and a whole lot more cannot help in loosing those jelly bellies in your waist. Sweets only give you instant energy that makes you feel always on the go but after that the fat contents of each chocolate bar that are not burned into energy will remain as fats in your body.
Lastly, Exercise exercise 3 times a week. Having a good exercise does not only make you look good it also makes you feel good. Exercising is the best way to that sexy abs. Organize your exercise routine and you are on you're way to being sexy.
Tip #1:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Water is good for our the body. It does not only flush the toxins away, from our body but it also cleanses it. Water has several properties that are vital for life. 70% of our body is made up of water that is why it is important. Consuming an adequate amount of water will help us lose the fats.
Always check your food intake. Always eat in moderation. Eating 5 small meals a day is a better diet than eating 3 heavy meals. Food needs a minimum of 3-4 hours to be fully digested. But sometimes it also depends on what you eat. Meat may stay more than a week on your tummy. Always check what you eat and be sure that you always have the 3 basic food groups in your menu.
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables helps a lot in digestion because they are rich in fiber. Pineapple, papaya and a lot of greens are examples of foods that contain a lot of fiber.
Reduce the intake of salty foods. Eating a lot of junk foods gives your body a lot of salt. You may not notice that when you eat a lot of salty and processed food,s there are o significant results even no matter how much you exercise your abs cannot be seen it is because excessive consumption of salt retains water in your body, which covers the sexy abs that you always wanted.
Avoid stress. You may not see it, but stress causes weight gain. When we you are stressed, your body thinks that we you need to fight and respond like we you are about to be harmed. Our Your body, when stressed, releases a lot of hormones that causes a shift in metabolism and blood flow.
Sleep 8-10 hours everyday. There is nothing important than a good night sleep. Lack of sleeping hours and hours causes stress. It also causes us one to be lazy, which may affect our exercise routines. Without enough sleep we you may feel tired and weak, which may cause eto excessive eating, where weif you use eating as an alternative to get energized.
Stop indulging on sweets. Yes having a sweet treat is nice but too much of it is bad. Chocolates, candies, ice creams, and a whole lot more cannot help in loosing those jelly bellies in your waist. Sweets only give you instant energy that makes you feel always on the go but after that the fat contents of each chocolate bar that are not burned into energy will remain as fats in your body.
Lastly, Exercise exercise 3 times a week. Having a good exercise does not only make you look good it also makes you feel good. Exercising is the best way to that sexy abs. Organize your exercise routine and you are on you're way to being sexy.