What incisions are used for breast augmentation? Currently there are 4 types of incisions.
Transaxillary (under the arm), Periareolar (around the areola) , Inframammary (underneath the breast), and Transumbilical (through the belly button).
Should my implant be placed over or under the muscle? There are many advantages to placing an implant underneath the muscle.
The main reason is that it provides more tissue coverage to provide a more natural-looking breast .
Another advantage is that sub-muscular placement is associated with less chance of capsular contracture (overabundant scar tissue surrounding the implant).
Patients with saggier breasts may benefit more from placing the implant above the muscle to allow the implant to drop behind the nipple.
How do I know what size to pick? Your doctor will be give you the opportunity to try on different sizes to determine which implant would look best on your frame.
Women with wider torsos require more volume to achieve their desired cup size.
Generally 200cc equals one cup size.
What implant types are available to me? Currently saline non-adjustable, saline adjustable, and silicone implants are available.
Patients desiring to have silicone implants must meet certain criteria in order to receive silicone implants.
Implants come in round, shaped, smooth, and textured varieties.
What is an adjustable implant? An adjustable implant is a saline implant which can be filled with more saline after the operation.
In other words, after you have healed if you desire the implants to be larger, the implant can be filled in the office through a small butterfly needle.
No anesthesia or cutting is needed for these fills.
Saline can also be removed this way as well.
This type of approach ensures that the patient achieves the size that she desires.
What incisions are used for breast augmentation? Currently there are 4 types of incisions.
Transaxillary (under the arm), Periareolar (around the areola) , Inframammary (underneath the breast), and Transumbilical (through the belly button).
Should my implant be placed over or under the muscle? There are many advantages to placing an implant underneath the muscle.
The main reason is that it provides more tissue coverage to provide a more natural-looking breast .
Another advantage is that sub-muscular placement is associated with less chance of capsular contracture (overabundant scar tissue surrounding the implant).
Patients with saggier breasts may benefit more from placing the implant above the muscle to allow the implant to drop behind the nipple.
How do I know what size to pick? Your doctor will be give you the opportunity to try on different sizes to determine which implant would look best on your frame.
Women with wider torsos require more volume to achieve their desired cup size.
Generally 200cc equals one cup size.
What implant types are available to me? Currently saline non-adjustable, saline adjustable, and silicone implants are available.
Patients desiring to have silicone implants must meet certain criteria in order to receive silicone implants.
Implants come in round, shaped, smooth, and textured varieties.
What is an adjustable implant? An adjustable implant is a saline implant which can be filled with more saline after the operation.
In other words, after you have healed if you desire the implants to be larger, the implant can be filled in the office through a small butterfly needle.
No anesthesia or cutting is needed for these fills.
Saline can also be removed this way as well.
This type of approach ensures that the patient achieves the size that she desires.