Many people hold the opinion that women are the default beneficiary in a child custody hearing.This is not the case any longer and woman must be more prepared than ever. The latest statistics reinforce the importance of not taking it for granted.
Woman need a winning child custody strategy in place from the start. If this is not complete from the beginning and they lose and have an unfavorable agreement, for whatever reason, then it is very challenging to modify, particularly if it was put in place by the court at the breakdown of the parents relationship.
Mothers must be involved from the beginning and have sufficient information to even question their attorneys. They also need a very transparent understanding of how the method works and how the child custody laws vary from state to state in the USA. If you do not have a clear understanding of the system you take the risk of not putting your best foot forward during a custody evaluation.
Just as important is good legal council. Good legal representation is essential. A well informed lawyer is fundamental to emphasizing what is very important and what is less important. Make no mistake, there is a sizable difference in the quality of representation obtainable.
The legal system will ask you to give testimony and a lot of credence will be given to this testimony. The proper answers are key to a favorable agreement and key to you defending your children. The court system can be callous and seem unfair at times. It is very black and white and the proper guidance will set you up to succeed right from the beginning.
The judge will be looking for particular items to make a determination and you and your attorney must know these. These are not what you would expect since they might not seem obvious to the inexperienced person. You must also know the amount of "bias" that exists and which "side" it favors.
With all this considered, there is one book that I have found that deals with all this and much, much more. I regard it as the child custody "bible" and would categorize it as essential reading for anyone going through this extremely challenging circumstance.
For more information please visit
Woman need a winning child custody strategy in place from the start. If this is not complete from the beginning and they lose and have an unfavorable agreement, for whatever reason, then it is very challenging to modify, particularly if it was put in place by the court at the breakdown of the parents relationship.
Mothers must be involved from the beginning and have sufficient information to even question their attorneys. They also need a very transparent understanding of how the method works and how the child custody laws vary from state to state in the USA. If you do not have a clear understanding of the system you take the risk of not putting your best foot forward during a custody evaluation.
Just as important is good legal council. Good legal representation is essential. A well informed lawyer is fundamental to emphasizing what is very important and what is less important. Make no mistake, there is a sizable difference in the quality of representation obtainable.
The legal system will ask you to give testimony and a lot of credence will be given to this testimony. The proper answers are key to a favorable agreement and key to you defending your children. The court system can be callous and seem unfair at times. It is very black and white and the proper guidance will set you up to succeed right from the beginning.
The judge will be looking for particular items to make a determination and you and your attorney must know these. These are not what you would expect since they might not seem obvious to the inexperienced person. You must also know the amount of "bias" that exists and which "side" it favors.
With all this considered, there is one book that I have found that deals with all this and much, much more. I regard it as the child custody "bible" and would categorize it as essential reading for anyone going through this extremely challenging circumstance.
For more information please visit