- 1). Set two 8 by 8 inch treated posts 22 inches apart at the planned location of the head gate. Use eight-foot tall posts set at least three feet deep using post hole augers and a tamping rod. These posts serve as the anchor of the cattle head gate.
- 2). Attach 4 by 4 inch lumber on the front side of the post at ground level, 23 inches above ground level and at the top of the post. The ground level cross member is fitted between the posts while the other cross members are attached to the front of the posts. Drill holes through the 4 by 4 and 8 by 8 inch timbers. Use half inch by 14 inch bolts to hold the timbers in place.
- 3). Attach a 4 by 4 inch timber from the top of the post on the right side to about 10 inches from the post on the bottom 4 by 4. This is the fixed side of the cattle head gate. Attach a nine-foot-long 4 by 4 inch timber to the bottom cross member about 10 inches from the left post. This is the moveable side of the cattle head gate.
- 4). Attach a 4 by 4 inch timber to the top of the right hand post with an eight-inch hinge. Approximately two feet, six inches of the timber should extend above the post. This timber serves as a handle.
- 5). Connect the top of the moveable side of the head gate to the top of the handle with a two foot, seven inch piece of two-inch strap iron on each side of the timbers. Drill through the strap iron and the 4 by 4 timbers and use a half inch bolt to hold each piece in place.