If you have an outdoor job like a construction job or a landscaping job or you tend to do outdoor activities which involve water (sometimes or always) like fishing and hiking, Belleville Boots specifically has wet weather boots for your needs. These boots have moisture wicking materials, they are water proof with water proof lining and materials such as leather and suede and they WILL keep your feet dry and safe during these activities. These wet weather Belleville Boots also tend to keep your feet warm too! I suppose they could also be used in the snowy climates as well since most of the shoes have a sort of insulation that other boots do not feature. Listed below are some of the wet weather boots as well as insulated boots you can take a look at from Belleville Boots.
Belleville 330 ST - Wet Weather Chocolate Brown Safety Toe Flight Boot USN/USMC: 8" Steel Toe Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. Upper Material Full Grain All Chocolate Brown Cowhide Leather. Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole Rubber, VibramChevron to minimize FOD & Improve Traction. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).
Belleville Waterproof Steel Toe Insulated Boot 880ST 12R: Features Vanguard Running Shoe Sole Construction + Upper Material - Black All Leather + Steel Toe - Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards + Gore-tex Fabric Bootie + Lining - Omaha Moisture Wicking Lining ?200g Thinsulate Insulation + Cushion Midsole - Polyurethane + Outsole - VIBRAM FIRE & ICETM designed to improve traction in icy conditions + Polyurethane Removable Insert + Height - 8 in. (Standard Military Height).
Belleville Cold Weather Insulated (600g) Safety Toe Boot - USAF 675ST: 8" Steel Toe Waterproof Insulated Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. All Full Grain Sage Green Cowhide Leather. 600g THINSULATE Insulation. Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards. GORE-TEXFabric Bootie. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole VibramFIRE & ICE designed to improve traction in icy conditions. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).
Belleville 770 - Waterproof Black Insulated Combat and Flight Boot: 8" Soft Toe Waterproof Insulated Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. Upper Material Full Grain Black Cowhide Leather / Nylon Fabric. GORE-TEXFabric Bootie. 200g THINSULATE Insulation. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole VibramFIRE & ICE designed to improve traction in icy conditions. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).
Belleville 330 ST - Wet Weather Chocolate Brown Safety Toe Flight Boot USN/USMC: 8" Steel Toe Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. Upper Material Full Grain All Chocolate Brown Cowhide Leather. Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole Rubber, VibramChevron to minimize FOD & Improve Traction. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).
Belleville Waterproof Steel Toe Insulated Boot 880ST 12R: Features Vanguard Running Shoe Sole Construction + Upper Material - Black All Leather + Steel Toe - Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards + Gore-tex Fabric Bootie + Lining - Omaha Moisture Wicking Lining ?200g Thinsulate Insulation + Cushion Midsole - Polyurethane + Outsole - VIBRAM FIRE & ICETM designed to improve traction in icy conditions + Polyurethane Removable Insert + Height - 8 in. (Standard Military Height).
Belleville Cold Weather Insulated (600g) Safety Toe Boot - USAF 675ST: 8" Steel Toe Waterproof Insulated Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. All Full Grain Sage Green Cowhide Leather. 600g THINSULATE Insulation. Meets ASTM F2412-05 and F2413-05 Standards. GORE-TEXFabric Bootie. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole VibramFIRE & ICE designed to improve traction in icy conditions. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).
Belleville 770 - Waterproof Black Insulated Combat and Flight Boot: 8" Soft Toe Waterproof Insulated Boots. VANGUARD Running Shoe Sole Construction. Upper Material Full Grain Black Cowhide Leather / Nylon Fabric. GORE-TEXFabric Bootie. 200g THINSULATE Insulation. Cushion Midsole Polyurethane. Outsole VibramFIRE & ICE designed to improve traction in icy conditions. Polyurethane Removable Insert. Height 8" (Standard Military Height).