Everyone must have heard of sophrology, as the trend of alternative medicine it is natural that one hears more about it elsewhere.
For the uninitiated sophrology refers to relaxation wellbeing and breathing.
In fact, it's more than that.
First of all, sophrology is a few decades old invention.
It was invented in Spain in 1960 by a Colombian neuro-psychiatrist, Dr.
Alfonso Caycedo.
Rejecting the hard core processes of psychiatry, he developed a new method which is more respectful of patients and takes into account their personality and their peculiarities.
It was aimed to ascertain the awareness of psychiatric patients to help them get better.
The purpose of this method is to establish or restore harmony between body and mind.
The inventor of the method has been inspired by Eastern techniques like yoga and meditation and is coupled with Western relaxation techniques.
All this raises awareness to combat the anxieties, fears and tensions.
It helps restore the confidence of the patient, by inculcating the spirit of positive thoughts.
It is a way of knowing oneself, to find and change oneself.
The method has been democratized over time.
People who are required to do complete performance will have appropriate benefits from it.
This is the case of athletes, for example before their run, swim or jump events, some of them attend sophrology meetings, while others use prevention to feel good about themselves.
Pregnant women follow the same practice to prepare for childbirth.
The meetings have two phases where one lie or sit comfortably: - A phase of relaxation of the body through the practice of breathing and visualization of each part of the body (from head to foot), accompanied by the voice of a sophrologue.
- A phase of awareness, access to higher regions of consciousness thanks to breathing exercises and concentration.
During the meetings, you will learn simple exercises and practicing that will help you in your daily life, combat stress, anxiety, anger, anxiety, fatigue, nervousness and help you acquire patience and calmness.
Only a simple enough training is required.
If you find the right therapist, sophrology should help you feel better, both in your mind and body.
You'll be ready to fight against tension, stress and unwind easily from conflicts.
Your life will be changed with the conquest of a better life-saving technique.
For the uninitiated sophrology refers to relaxation wellbeing and breathing.
In fact, it's more than that.
First of all, sophrology is a few decades old invention.
It was invented in Spain in 1960 by a Colombian neuro-psychiatrist, Dr.
Alfonso Caycedo.
Rejecting the hard core processes of psychiatry, he developed a new method which is more respectful of patients and takes into account their personality and their peculiarities.
It was aimed to ascertain the awareness of psychiatric patients to help them get better.
The purpose of this method is to establish or restore harmony between body and mind.
The inventor of the method has been inspired by Eastern techniques like yoga and meditation and is coupled with Western relaxation techniques.
All this raises awareness to combat the anxieties, fears and tensions.
It helps restore the confidence of the patient, by inculcating the spirit of positive thoughts.
It is a way of knowing oneself, to find and change oneself.
The method has been democratized over time.
People who are required to do complete performance will have appropriate benefits from it.
This is the case of athletes, for example before their run, swim or jump events, some of them attend sophrology meetings, while others use prevention to feel good about themselves.
Pregnant women follow the same practice to prepare for childbirth.
The meetings have two phases where one lie or sit comfortably: - A phase of relaxation of the body through the practice of breathing and visualization of each part of the body (from head to foot), accompanied by the voice of a sophrologue.
- A phase of awareness, access to higher regions of consciousness thanks to breathing exercises and concentration.
During the meetings, you will learn simple exercises and practicing that will help you in your daily life, combat stress, anxiety, anger, anxiety, fatigue, nervousness and help you acquire patience and calmness.
Only a simple enough training is required.
If you find the right therapist, sophrology should help you feel better, both in your mind and body.
You'll be ready to fight against tension, stress and unwind easily from conflicts.
Your life will be changed with the conquest of a better life-saving technique.