If you have had an unfortunate run-in with with bacterial vaginitis, or think you have, you've come to right place.
I'm going to discuss the four tell tale symptoms of bacterial vaginitis, to give you a general idea about what you are looking for in a self-diagnosis.
Remember, if you have any more than these symptoms or are experiencing extreme discomfort, you could have something other than bv.
It's not hard to go to the doctor and get tested.
In fact, I would recommend it.
You'll take comfort in knowing that you only have a self-treatable infection and not something much worse.
The four symptoms of bacterial vaginitis: Itching/Burning - Just as it states, but it tends to be right around the bottom of your vagina, near the opening.
Pain During Intercourse - All of the symptoms are intensified during sex.
It is not recommended to have any sexual contact while you have any symptoms of bacterial vaginitis, as it can cause severe irritation.
(I've tried, it didn't end good!) Discharge - Thin, white or gray discharge.
This will have a quite strong fish-like odor to it.
If the consistency resembles cottage cheese, then you could have either a yeast infection or bv, or both.
The symptoms of bacterial vaginitis are very similar to a yeast infection, but MUST be treated differently.
The infections have different causes, and trying to treat the wrong one will lead to no results fast.
This is why it's important to get tested.
Foul Odor - A foul, fish-like odor is produced by the overgrowth of bad bacteria.
Almost unbearable if near it.
A quick remedy for this is soak in a hot bath with 2 cups of apple cider in it.
Soak for about 20 minutes and the smell should subside temporarily.
I'm going to discuss the four tell tale symptoms of bacterial vaginitis, to give you a general idea about what you are looking for in a self-diagnosis.
Remember, if you have any more than these symptoms or are experiencing extreme discomfort, you could have something other than bv.
It's not hard to go to the doctor and get tested.
In fact, I would recommend it.
You'll take comfort in knowing that you only have a self-treatable infection and not something much worse.
The four symptoms of bacterial vaginitis: Itching/Burning - Just as it states, but it tends to be right around the bottom of your vagina, near the opening.
Pain During Intercourse - All of the symptoms are intensified during sex.
It is not recommended to have any sexual contact while you have any symptoms of bacterial vaginitis, as it can cause severe irritation.
(I've tried, it didn't end good!) Discharge - Thin, white or gray discharge.
This will have a quite strong fish-like odor to it.
If the consistency resembles cottage cheese, then you could have either a yeast infection or bv, or both.
The symptoms of bacterial vaginitis are very similar to a yeast infection, but MUST be treated differently.
The infections have different causes, and trying to treat the wrong one will lead to no results fast.
This is why it's important to get tested.
Foul Odor - A foul, fish-like odor is produced by the overgrowth of bad bacteria.
Almost unbearable if near it.
A quick remedy for this is soak in a hot bath with 2 cups of apple cider in it.
Soak for about 20 minutes and the smell should subside temporarily.