Skin cancer is one of the lethal diseases of the world. It is particularly on the rise in the United States. The appropriate stage to treat this disease is when that is detected at the initial stages. If the same is detected at the later stages it is difficult to be treated. Tissues are formed in the skin by malignant cancer cells. Basal skin cancer, squamous skin cancer and melanoma are the types of skin cancers. Among these melanoma that is associated mainly with moles is the deadliest, but is the least prevalent.
People with a fair skin and also the ones who have had history of the disease in their families or extended families are quite vulnerable to the disease. The malignant cells proliferate quickly and damage the existing healthy cells. The day to day research in this direction has benefitted a lot to the cancer patients. Still we have to go a very long way to bring 100 percent cure for it. The latest techniques adopted are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy and biologic therapy. Each method has different approach in treating it. Mainly laser lights are used in photodynamic therapy. Whereas the biologic therapy completely relies on the biologic states of the patients and their capacity to fight against the disease, as it ensures complete elimination of the disease. But this again has its own limitations such as it cannot be done for all types of skin cancers and another aspect is we have to study well each patient's body system and condition before advising surgery.
Excision skin surgery, mohs surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation and topical chemotherapy are a few types of surgeries that are undertaken to cure the patient. Few patients are recommended further treatments even after surgeries. In some cases the surgeries fail to bring the needed results.
The skin cancer once acquired is really deadly. People generally over expose themselves to the hot sun. Many of us do not have resistance to extreme heat. This results into many skin concerned problems. Another factor is lack of awareness which makes people to ignore many hazardous factors which are the root cause for skin cancers. Early diagnosis of the skin cancer will certainly help us to get rid of this deadly disease.
The city of Chicago stands for skin cancer therapy and it gives a strong security to patients who visit. They are greatly assured of regaining normalcy and good health. In spite of all the skin care surgeries and treatments, what is most required is strict adherence of the medicines and diet and instructions. Once very disciplined in this aspect, there is no turning back but only to the path of recovery.
People with a fair skin and also the ones who have had history of the disease in their families or extended families are quite vulnerable to the disease. The malignant cells proliferate quickly and damage the existing healthy cells. The day to day research in this direction has benefitted a lot to the cancer patients. Still we have to go a very long way to bring 100 percent cure for it. The latest techniques adopted are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy and biologic therapy. Each method has different approach in treating it. Mainly laser lights are used in photodynamic therapy. Whereas the biologic therapy completely relies on the biologic states of the patients and their capacity to fight against the disease, as it ensures complete elimination of the disease. But this again has its own limitations such as it cannot be done for all types of skin cancers and another aspect is we have to study well each patient's body system and condition before advising surgery.
Excision skin surgery, mohs surgery, curettage and electrodesiccation and topical chemotherapy are a few types of surgeries that are undertaken to cure the patient. Few patients are recommended further treatments even after surgeries. In some cases the surgeries fail to bring the needed results.
The skin cancer once acquired is really deadly. People generally over expose themselves to the hot sun. Many of us do not have resistance to extreme heat. This results into many skin concerned problems. Another factor is lack of awareness which makes people to ignore many hazardous factors which are the root cause for skin cancers. Early diagnosis of the skin cancer will certainly help us to get rid of this deadly disease.
The city of Chicago stands for skin cancer therapy and it gives a strong security to patients who visit. They are greatly assured of regaining normalcy and good health. In spite of all the skin care surgeries and treatments, what is most required is strict adherence of the medicines and diet and instructions. Once very disciplined in this aspect, there is no turning back but only to the path of recovery.