- Duct tape will fix a tear, a rip, a broken zipper pull and keep the ropes from fraying. Because it is waterproof, just layer it over the tear, inside and outside of the tent. For a zipper pull, thread a small piece of tape through the slider. Pinch together and wrap with more duct tape. For ropes, wrap the duct tape around the bottom of the rope to keep the strands together.
- Yes, duct tape can be used as a bandage. Preferably not by itself, though in a pinch it'll do. For a waterproof, near-permanent bandage, place a strip of duct tape over the bandage after you have applied it. If you cut yourself too badly, clean the cut, squeeze it shut, place a small strip of gauze over (if you have some), then apply duct tape tightly to keep the cut closed. For heavy bleeding, use a sanitary napkin and hold it tightly over the cut then duct tape in place. It can also be used in place of athletic tape if you sprain an ankle. Just wrap the tape over your sock, rather than the skin.
- For an emergency splint in case of broken limbs, use a stick sized for the injured limb and attach with duct tape. It holds much better than a piece of cloth.
- Place a piece of duct tape over a raw spot on your foot to prevent it from turning into a blister. Coat the inside of a shoe with duct tape to minimize irritation. Wrap duct tape around the sole and top of the shoe to temporarily fix a shoe that is falling apart. Place tape inside and outside the shoe where the water is seeping in.
- From plastic food bags that have been eaten at by a squirrel to a hole in your pack, duct tape can fix it. Just make sure to put a piece on the inside as well so items don't stick to the underside.
- When you camp in cold weather, everything outside is very cold. Picking up that fuel bottle on a cold winter's morning can sting. Wrap some duct tape around it to protect your hands.
- Wrap duct tape around a cheap plastic water or soda bottle to keep it from cracking or leaking to save money and the environment at the same time.
Tent Repair
Cold Barrier
Water Storage