Chances are you probably won't have to worry about any danger, but it's wise to be prepared and aware so you can prevent potential emergencies. This advice is helpful while in Moscow, as well as for your travels to other larger Russian cities.
Shady Street Salesmen
It's best to avoid barkers or dealers you may come across along the streets. Some have been known to try and sell tickets into drawings for special prizes but it's likely just a swindle. Others may offer to exchange your currency at a very low rate but there's no guarantee that the rubles are real. Except for legitimate street markets and bazaars, don't take part in any random transactions along the road.
Pedestrians and Crosswalks
Strolling along the streets of Moscow with a beautiful Russian bride on your arm will be a highlight of your vacation. However, even if you cross a road at a crosswalk or pedestrian walkway, not all drivers will automatically stop. It's best to just wait until your course is completely clear.
Taxi Service
Taxis are a reliable and affordable way to cruise around the city, but make sure you hire an authorized driver from registered taxi service. With more and more Russians becoming car owners, some try to make an extra income by offering rides to tourists. They may not be licensed, know the city well enough, or even be operating a safe vehicle. Ask your Russian lady or her agency for recommendations.

SOS Emergency Call Boxes
While you most likely will not need any emergency assistance during your vacation, it's reassuring to know that help is just a phone call away at the bright orange SOS Emergency Call Boxes. Dial 01 for a fire emergency and the Moscow Rescue Service will be en route. Dial 02 for police assistance, who are known as the Moscow Metro Militia, and dial 03 for first aid and ambulance services. Some call boxes have just one button that will call an operator.
One of the advantages of meeting Moscow girls through an international marriage agency is that they can provide transportation and translators which will make guarding your personal security much easier. Ask for recommendations when you need to use a service or just have the agency staff set it up for you. They are often very professional and will strive to help you make the most out of your vacation in one of the most romantic cities in the world!