Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Business Travel Tips for Frequent Travelers

Anyone who has traveled for business and taken a long flight (more than 4 hours) knows that it is important to know how to handle jet leg. They also know what to do should their digital devices run out of power or if the airline has a problem. While some travel problems are not in the control of the passenger, there is good news about air travel and for frequent business travelers.

Travel Information and Updates
The Bureau of Transportation reports there were far less delays on the tarmac than the year before. There were less mishandled bags. Flights were on time more than in 2011. Generally, the airlines are operating better since there are fewer flights and the schedules are more streamlined. For the record, the most on-time airlines were Hawaiian, Delta and Alaska. The least on-time were Frontier, JetBlue and ExpressJet. Extreme weather situations did not help the airlines either though most muddled through it. To their credit, most airlines waived change of flight fees when bad weather cancelled schedules and flights. This one act is a saving grace for the industry which has a bad reputation for nickel-and-diming for everything. Airports were closed ahead of the storm to circumvent air traffic problems and possible weather-related delays and accidents. Overall, it seems like the airlines and transportation agency are working well to make business and all travel more convenient and pleasant for the passenger.

When Your Smart Phone Dies at The Airport
Those of us with smart phones know that running too many apps can drain the battery rather quickly. It is imperative then that we find a seat in the airport near an outlet to charge our phones before boarding. Failing that, what are we to do when there is no power left and we need to check email and make business calls? Some rely on the kindness of others and borrow theirs to ask assistants to email instead of call. Others stick to texting since it uses less battery power. Others are stuck with digging in pockets and handbags for enough quarters to use airport pay phones. A better idea might be to buy an extended life battery and fully charge it before departing for the airport. Always remember to take travel and car chargers and pack them in an under the seat bag. I put mine in a baggie and seal it before leaving the house. Save the company some money and bring your own GPS for rental cars. The same can be said for tablets and laptops. If an extended life battery is available, buy one and charge it before leaving. It is better to be safe than sorry when valuable data is needed on the spot.

Dragging from Jet Lag
Flying from one coast to the other can be hard on the body and mind. Your body is set for Eastern time but the clock on the West coast is three hours behind. Some people begin to feel the affects of the time difference as soon as flight lands while other do not feel it until later in the evening. Below are some tips for managing the effects of jet lag:
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on the flight. Take a few naps if you can.

  • Stay hydrated in the air and at your destination. Drink plenty of water.

  • Move around on the plane. Get up and move around to ward of DVT and prevent stiffness.

  • Plan your trip to arrive a day before meetings and get early check-in at the hotel. Resist taking a nap. It will only make you tired later.

  • Jet lag can cause a decrease in mental sharpness, increased stress, and decreased productivity. Travelers who are jet lagged might forget small things as such as laptop or smart phone when they head out the door. A few short naps on the flight will help. We all need to feel our best for business meetings. Do everything possible to be mentally sharp before them. If this means checking in a day before, do it. You will have ample time to make any last minute changes to files and prepare what to wear for the next day. Getting settled in is a good feeling. It puts your mind at ease which puts your body at ease.
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