When you are looking at graduating from high school or college you want to be sure that you are looking at your absolute best. This is one day of your life that you will remember for a very long time to come, and it will be throughout all your family photo albums so you will want to be absolute sure that you appear confident, poised, and well dressed. With just a few simple steps you will be well on your way to looking good, getting your diploma or degree, and stepping into a new phase of your life.
The first thing that you will need to do is pick up your gown from your high school or college. You will need to be sure that it is the correct fit before you leave. You will also be sure that you are following any special instructions and procedures that your school may have on your gown. You also need to check the packaging to be sure that you have all the proper essentials such as the cap, rope, and anything else that you may need.
Next you are going to want to take the time to decide on the outfit that you are planning on wearing under your gown. You will need to be aware that the shoes that you choose will show under your gown so you should choose shoes that match the gown in color. Most generally people will choose white, black, or tan shoes because they will go with the overall outfit without the possibility of clashing. Furthermore, there are some graduation gowns out there that will show your tie under your gown so you need to be sure that you are wearing a matching tie as well. Also if you have long hair you should avoid wearing it back in a pony tail or tight bun as it may make you appear sloppily put together, and it may throw of your overall look that you are trying to achieve.
When you are ready to put your gown on you should put it on just as you would be wearing a jacket. If the zipper of the gown is in the front then you need to be sure that it is zipped up in the front. You should also take the time to place all the necessary cords around your neck and then let them hang accordingly. Finally, you should wear any cap or hood as directed according to the directions given to you by the school.
If your cap seems to be a little loose you can also attach it with a few bobby pins as they will be able to help you hold your cap into place. Furthermore, you need to be sure that your tassel is on the left side of the hat. After you receive your diploma you will switch your tassel to the right of your cap.
Most of all you need to relax. Everyone who has graduated before knows how stressful it to be in a graduation gowns but try to not let the stress show as much as possible.
The first thing that you will need to do is pick up your gown from your high school or college. You will need to be sure that it is the correct fit before you leave. You will also be sure that you are following any special instructions and procedures that your school may have on your gown. You also need to check the packaging to be sure that you have all the proper essentials such as the cap, rope, and anything else that you may need.
Next you are going to want to take the time to decide on the outfit that you are planning on wearing under your gown. You will need to be aware that the shoes that you choose will show under your gown so you should choose shoes that match the gown in color. Most generally people will choose white, black, or tan shoes because they will go with the overall outfit without the possibility of clashing. Furthermore, there are some graduation gowns out there that will show your tie under your gown so you need to be sure that you are wearing a matching tie as well. Also if you have long hair you should avoid wearing it back in a pony tail or tight bun as it may make you appear sloppily put together, and it may throw of your overall look that you are trying to achieve.
When you are ready to put your gown on you should put it on just as you would be wearing a jacket. If the zipper of the gown is in the front then you need to be sure that it is zipped up in the front. You should also take the time to place all the necessary cords around your neck and then let them hang accordingly. Finally, you should wear any cap or hood as directed according to the directions given to you by the school.
If your cap seems to be a little loose you can also attach it with a few bobby pins as they will be able to help you hold your cap into place. Furthermore, you need to be sure that your tassel is on the left side of the hat. After you receive your diploma you will switch your tassel to the right of your cap.
Most of all you need to relax. Everyone who has graduated before knows how stressful it to be in a graduation gowns but try to not let the stress show as much as possible.