Do you know that 3 out of 4 women face yeast infection of the vagina sometime in their life? Some women have to deal with awful itching, others have rashes and inflammation and still others have frequent urination and pain.
If you are really unfortunate you may have a combination of all the above symptoms.
Treating a yeast infection of the vagina is simple but still many women struggle.
And the reason for this is because they rush for treatments that never solve the root cause of the problem.
It is quite possible to get this infection after you take antibiotics for some other purpose.
Antibiotics create an imbalance between organisms in the vagina.
This happens because antibiotics suppress the growth of good bacteria in the vagina.
This good bacterium has anti-fungal properties.
The net result is overgrowth of fungus called candida albicans resulting in itching, pain, irritation etc.
This problem is also common in women who take birth control pills and pregnant women.
This is because of the high levels of the hormone called estrogen.
This hormone causes vaginal environment imbalance resulting in candida fungus thriving.
Here are some simple tips for treating a yeast infection of the vagina:
Treating a yeast infection of the vagina with natural ingredients is always better.
The results you will get will be permanent and long lasting.
If you are really unfortunate you may have a combination of all the above symptoms.
Treating a yeast infection of the vagina is simple but still many women struggle.
And the reason for this is because they rush for treatments that never solve the root cause of the problem.
It is quite possible to get this infection after you take antibiotics for some other purpose.
Antibiotics create an imbalance between organisms in the vagina.
This happens because antibiotics suppress the growth of good bacteria in the vagina.
This good bacterium has anti-fungal properties.
The net result is overgrowth of fungus called candida albicans resulting in itching, pain, irritation etc.
This problem is also common in women who take birth control pills and pregnant women.
This is because of the high levels of the hormone called estrogen.
This hormone causes vaginal environment imbalance resulting in candida fungus thriving.
Here are some simple tips for treating a yeast infection of the vagina:
- Dry yourself quickly after a bath or a swimming stint.
- Wear cotton clothing that can absorb moisture and is loose.
- Don't use deodorant sprays and tampons for the vagina
- Avoid douche on a regular basis.
- Always use an undergarment with a cotton crotch.
- Don't wear tight clothes and leggings for a long time.
These clothes will cause itching and sweating.
Moisture helps the infection to grow fast.
Treating a yeast infection of the vagina with natural ingredients is always better.
The results you will get will be permanent and long lasting.