Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

4 Ways To Turn Your Auto-Responder Into An Automated Money Machine

Of course we've all heard the old Internet marketing adage which states: "The money is in the list"; and if you've been online working as an Internet marketer with your home based business for any length of time I'm sure you believe this axiom to be true.
However, how you use your email response system, or your auto-responder, will determine whether or not you can turn your email list into an automatic cash generator with a click of your mouse.
Building a targeted email list should be one of your top priorities after creating your website because this directory of names and email addresses will help ensure the longevity and profitability of your home business online.
Once you've captured a considerable number of addresses you will be in a good position to leverage this file so you can add more revenue to your coffers from several different sources.
Here are four ways, I've discovered, you can use your email auto-response system to produce profits almost at will: 1.
The magic of your auto-responder lies in its function which is to follow-up automatically, via email, with your prospects once they've subscribed to your website.
The content of these messages is predetermined and they're written by the business owner and loaded into the system for delivery at prearranged time intervals to your recipients.
One technique you can implement is to create an Internet marketing course which you could deliver via email over a period of time to your potential customers.
You could advertise this course as being a free gift to anyone who subscribes to your list thereby using it as a lure to capture their contact information.
You must ensure this e-course provides valuable content to your members because if they find it's poorly constructed and was only designed to get them to sign-up they will, in most cases, unsubscribe faster than they subscribed.
Delivering this value free of charge also helps establish a trusting relationship with your prospects which is a precursor to becoming a paying customer.
Once you begin delivery of this course you can stagger promotional messages, advertising your merchandise, to be included once or twice per week.
Another way you can entice people to subscribe to your list is by promising to deliver a daily Internet marketing tip to help them progress with their business.
For example, if your expertise is driving targeted traffic to your website you could deliver a daily message with a traffic generating suggestion included to help your potential customers and current clients increase their sales and profits.
You can write these messages a month or two months in advance and load them into your auto-responder so you don't have to worry about writing a new letter and sending it every day.
This way you can spend your time concentrating on other areas of marketing your business.
When people visit your blog or website you can invite them to sign-up to receive a free subscription to your monthly or bi-weekly ezine or online magazine.
This electronic publication can address a different aspect of Internet marketing in each issue thereby educating your readers while at the same time promoting your merchandise.
By placing links throughout your message which direct your subscriber to your sales page you can profit from your ezine while at the same time delivering valuable content.
These links should only be sprinkled throughout your message so as not to turn off your readers by making your content appear too much like spam.
Offer your visitors free merchandise in return for their contact information.
For example, you could acquire the master resell rights to several private label rights products and offer one or more as an inducement for people to subscribe to your email list.
After you've built a substantial sized list you shouldn't take advantage of the situation by sending too many messages over a short period of time and you must remember to deliver quality content interspersed with promotional messages which advertise your product.
Once you've established a trusting relationship with your list members you will have a better chance of converting them to paying customers and there's a far greater possibility they'll remain list members and or paying customers of your home business for a long time to come.
Bob Withers
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