Business & Finance Debt

The Principles of Social Policy

The principles of social protection policies derive from the social laws and principles of public life, embodying the rules of forming and implementation of social policy. Thus, they reflect an objective reality which exists independently from human consciousness. At the same time it's very important to understand that each of the principles of social policy represents a rule or idea, in other words, a subjective structure of knowledge, which should be implemented by the subjects of social policy to take place in the reality. The measure of realization of the principles depends on the knowledge, social or professional culture of particular individuals.

That's why certain principles belong to the participants of social policy and as a result are often subjective.
The effectiveness of the individuals involved in creating and forming of social policy directly depends on how good they are at knowing and implementation of the theory of social principles in their minds. And this measure does not depend on social organization at the national, local or regional level.

Analyzing the political system of successful economic countries, the scientists suggested that the main requirement for development and implementation of a successful social model is a need to establish and follow the certain principles. And they defined the fundamental principles for building of a successful economic society:
1. The principle of social justice. In the modern world this principle has become a symbol of a democratic society in general. Along with the principles of peaceful co-existence of democracy and freedoms, this principle is firmly established in the basic documents of the international community.

Aristotle was the first to examine this aspect of social principles and he discovered the contradiction between the two types of justice in the social sense: 1) fairness in terms of equal opportunities doesn't take into consideration individual and social characteristics of individuals, 2) justice that emerged as a result of compensation for work or personal success. Aristotle called these phenomenons as egalitarian and distributive justice which takes place in society.

The analysis of these principles shows that each of them makes sense. In particular, leveling justice guarantees citizens equal opportunities, which is quite justified when comparing individuals with each other. But when basic needs of the public are met at the same level of justice and satisfaction, motivation and productiveness of individuals of that kind of society will be significantly reduced due to unmet needs of its individuals. Thus, the desire for success, creativity and productive labor will fade away.

Distribution ofjustice encourages individuals to double their efforts, rewarding them for success. However, there are lots of individuals who aren't and will not be able to work on a high level of productivity.
In addition, the presence of disadvantaged and socially disabled persons and groups, inflict moral discomfort to representatives of the rich strata of the population and serve as a sourceof social tensions.

The principle of social justice, in modern terms, must include both types of justice - egalitarian and distributive. Every social society should provide the recognition of equal social rights for all citizens, regardless of their individual or social characteristics. In that way a state ensures a guaranteed social minimum for all of its citizens, which reflects the minimum wage, minimum pension and address social assistance for those whose incomes are lower than the minimum subsistence level. At the same time, active, enterprising, socially strong and capable individuals should be able to get a larger amount of material goods and services for their work by the law. In other words, social policy should aim at creating conditions for effective and productive work of such people.

2. The principle of social solidarity. This principle should respond to any social problem by redistribution of social wealth and social prosperity from wealthy persons to the less wealthy. The quintessence of this mechanism is the redistribution of taxes and benefits. Another aspect of this principle may be a system of redistribution of social resources (access to social benefits, education, healthcare, etc.). It is believed that the most effective means of prevention against criminal activity and social instability is equal access of individuals to social benefits. Thus, an alternative way of eradication of poverty would be allocation of social resources to the poor segments of the population.

3. The principle of personal social responsibility. This principle means that it is social groups and individuals who are responsible for their security and wealth fare. The state will only help when some individuals won't be capable to solve their problems by themselves.

The many years practice of charity work for the benefit of citizens of the state shows negative consequences of passive lifestyle of the individuals who are simply waiting for social assistance and support from the government instead of making personal efforts to improve their own lives. They do not reflect on how to solve their own psychological or difficult life situations. Moreover, there are lots of citizens who do really need help because of their physical, mental or personal factors, which make them incapable of individual social responsibility.

It would be unrealistic to assume that in the near future, social assistance can be reduced at all and the state can withdraw from a commitment of social support of certain categories of citizens. However, an extensive organizational and educational work should be conducted to provide sustainable development in individual social responsibility. The government should create economic and organizational conditions to improve individual social responsibility.

4. The principle of social compensation. The state should provide support, legal and social protection of its citizens to eliminate the limitations caused by their social status or participation in the production of public goods. This principle provides certain benefits, safe and accessible life conditions and related social services.

5. The principle of social insurance provides citizens with a guaranteed minimum of social services for education, spiritual and physical development and rational employment. Amount, types and quality of these guarantees should be able to ensure the development of citizens and prepare them for independent life.

6. The principle of social support. This principle is responsible for providing benefits for community initiatives and to the private sector. It includes legislative regulation of the interaction of public and private organizations in the social sphere as well as promotes private initiatives. The implementation of this principle will allow more efficient use of available material resources more flexible respond to new demands of citizens. Also, this principle promotes more active involvement of people to solve their own problems.

7. The principle of social partnership. This is the main institution of a democratic society. This principle also serves as a mechanism for easing social tensions, which sometimes arise in the social system. Social partnership is able to balance the conflicts between different social stratus, individuals and the government. Can be used to create the necessary social technologies to address the crisis situation in society and promote social development.

In social practice this principle is also called tripartite. The word means interaction between three parties: the state, employers and employees. In order to apply the principle of social partnership in building implementation of social policy the following conditions must be provided:
1) The equality between the participants in negotiations and decision-making;
2) The same level of commitment of both sides to implement agreements
3) Equal responsibility of all parties to implement the approved commitments.


1. A. Tulenkov M., "Social policy in Ukraine". The national institute of employment service of Ukraine, 2010 - P. 37.
2. Shvaika L.A., "State Regulation of Economy" Textbook // Kyiv: Knowledge, 2006. - P. 435.
3. "State policy requires regional coordination" / / President's Journal. - 2004. - April 14.
4. Durdenevskij V., The course of lectures "Social culture". - Leningrad, 1929. - P. 10

Written by: Novikova.A.K.
Revised by: Gurina O.V.

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