Infertility in women
Life on the fast lane is having a tremendous impact on human reproduction patterns. Professional demands, social obligations, changing priorities are not just increasing stress, disorder, ailments and diseases but also hampering certain natural processes in the human body. Infertility is one such factor that is on the rise. Average age of women becoming pregnant is rising as women are putting away motherhood to maintain their professional careers.
According to the latest available stats for American women in the age group of 15 and 44 years, there are 7.3 million American women with inability to have children. 2.1 million of married American women in the same age group are infertile which means inability to become pregnant after trying for a year. Age plays a major part in the infertility. Government records say that amongst one third of all infertile American couples, one third of the couples have a female partner with age above 35 years. The major reasons behind age being a major factor can be broken down as follows:
• Ovaries unable to release egg
• Lesser egg production
• Unhealthy eggs
• Bad health conditions creating lack of proper pregnancy opportunities
• Increase risks of miscarriage
Ovulation – Its importance in Fertility
There are four main stages that should happen for a woman to become pregnant:
1. One of the ovaries discharges an egg (Ovulation)
2. Egg reaches the Uterus through the fallopian tubes
3. Sperm attaches itself to the egg while it is being transferred to the uterus
4. Fertilized egg reaches the Uterus and gets connected to its walls.
Any obstruction in any of these stages and pregnancy will not happen. Ovulation is the most frequent cause of Infertility. Almost one in four women are said to suffer infertility because of Ovulation problems. Anovulation is the inability of women to generate or discharge eggs.
A woman with normal periods of 25 – 35 days is generally assumed to be ovulating. Ovulatory Dysfunction can be determined by using BBT recording, urinary LH output, serum progesterone level, endometrial biopsies and/or serial transvaginal ultrasound check.
Fertility drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). Is it beneficial to buy fertility drugs online?
Fertility drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) are prescribed in cure of Anovulation. It is very essential to understand the exact cause of Anovulation and treat it accordingly. Due to recent changes in lifestyle conditions, level of infertility has risen. This has increased the demand on the supply of fertility medications. Normal drugstores may sometimes find it hard to match such a demand. Wastage of time and resources in visiting the drugstore and even sometimes needing 2 – 3 visits for getting the required drugs makes it preferable to order drugs online. Online pharmacies provide a comfortable and convenient option for getting essential medication directly at users doorsteps.
Life on the fast lane is having a tremendous impact on human reproduction patterns. Professional demands, social obligations, changing priorities are not just increasing stress, disorder, ailments and diseases but also hampering certain natural processes in the human body. Infertility is one such factor that is on the rise. Average age of women becoming pregnant is rising as women are putting away motherhood to maintain their professional careers.
According to the latest available stats for American women in the age group of 15 and 44 years, there are 7.3 million American women with inability to have children. 2.1 million of married American women in the same age group are infertile which means inability to become pregnant after trying for a year. Age plays a major part in the infertility. Government records say that amongst one third of all infertile American couples, one third of the couples have a female partner with age above 35 years. The major reasons behind age being a major factor can be broken down as follows:
• Ovaries unable to release egg
• Lesser egg production
• Unhealthy eggs
• Bad health conditions creating lack of proper pregnancy opportunities
• Increase risks of miscarriage
Ovulation – Its importance in Fertility
There are four main stages that should happen for a woman to become pregnant:
1. One of the ovaries discharges an egg (Ovulation)
2. Egg reaches the Uterus through the fallopian tubes
3. Sperm attaches itself to the egg while it is being transferred to the uterus
4. Fertilized egg reaches the Uterus and gets connected to its walls.
Any obstruction in any of these stages and pregnancy will not happen. Ovulation is the most frequent cause of Infertility. Almost one in four women are said to suffer infertility because of Ovulation problems. Anovulation is the inability of women to generate or discharge eggs.
A woman with normal periods of 25 – 35 days is generally assumed to be ovulating. Ovulatory Dysfunction can be determined by using BBT recording, urinary LH output, serum progesterone level, endometrial biopsies and/or serial transvaginal ultrasound check.
Fertility drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). Is it beneficial to buy fertility drugs online?
Fertility drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) are prescribed in cure of Anovulation. It is very essential to understand the exact cause of Anovulation and treat it accordingly. Due to recent changes in lifestyle conditions, level of infertility has risen. This has increased the demand on the supply of fertility medications. Normal drugstores may sometimes find it hard to match such a demand. Wastage of time and resources in visiting the drugstore and even sometimes needing 2 – 3 visits for getting the required drugs makes it preferable to order drugs online. Online pharmacies provide a comfortable and convenient option for getting essential medication directly at users doorsteps.