Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Tips for Painting and Creating Bright Blue With Oils With Layers


    • Take into account the surface and ground onto which you are painting. By priming canvas with traditional white oil primer, you will lay down a brilliant white surface that will allow light to reflect through the subsequent layers on top. The white of the primed canvas will remain the brightest point on a painting, and by painting thinly with blue layers, the white will play a key role in keeping the blue transparent and luminous.


    • Choosing the correct pigment for your painting will determine how bright your blue is perceived to be. Oil paints are made by mixing pigments with linseed, walnut or sunflower oil. Prussian and Ultramarine blues will typically glaze well by mixing them with turpentine for fast drying or oil for slow-drying luminosity. Try mixing with half turpentine and half oil to create a faster drying layer that will retain its luminosity. Cerulean blue is a bright blue pigment that will go onto your canvas brighter than ultramarine or cobalt, but it may not layer as well due to the intrinsic opaque nature of the pigment.


    • Be aware of how different colors will react to each other optically. A bright yellow or white underpainting will brighten the blue laid on top. On the other hand, a deep black or dark opaque color underneath your blue will darken it. You may also layer paint with a dry technique called scumbling. By painting blue unmixed with oil, you allow more of the underpainting to show through in patches, creating a frescolike quality to the work.

    Relationship on the Canvas

    • As you are painting, consider the other colors used in your painting. Your blue can seem brighter according to its neighboring colors. For example, by glazing cerulean blue mixed with white next to a black opaque mountain, the blue will seem brighter due to the contrast created against the black. Similarly, be aware of the relationship of your blue to other bright colors in the painting. If the painting features bright oranges and yellows, then your blue may appear dark in comparison. Look at your canvas as a whole to determine the relationship of your blue to your overall image.

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