Business & Finance Wealth Building

Four Easy Ways to Make More Money

Managing your money between pay days is certainly a lot easier if there is more of it to go around.
Finding ways to make more money relies on two key skills - the ability to think outside the square and the ability to turn off the television at night.
Let's start with the simplest way of all.
Your main source of income is probably your job.
The basis of employment is that you sell your skills, knowledge and experience to your employer in exchange for a regular payment that reflects the market value of what you have to offer.
Your market value will be determined by two key factors - the extent of your skills, knowledge and experience and whether there is a shortage or an oversupply of other people in the market with the same or better skills, knowledge and experience.
That means that there are two obvious ways to increase your income.
The most important of these is to find out what your true market value is.
Make contact with the people who are in touch with the market, that is, employers who in the process of recruiting new staff, recruitment consultants, industry associations and unions.
If you like your job and you've been with the same employer for a number of years, there is a reasonable possibility that you are being paid less than what you are worth.
If that's the case, present your findings to your employer.
If you are not successful, then find an employer who will pay the market rate for your skills.
The second obvious way to increase your income is to add to your skills and knowledge.
That means turning off the TV at night.
Instead, try reading, or perhaps you could even enroll in a part time diploma or degree.
If you are more of a practical person than an academic, use your spare time to develop some additional skills or take some evening classes.
A third option, while the TV is still switched off, is to turn a hobby or interest into a part time business.
I have heard of a train enthusiast, for example, who developed a profitable business selling photos of trains, nicely mounted, to other enthusiasts.
There are numerous stories of successful internet based businesses, with potentially global markets.
The key to finding a business opportunity is to focus on those things that you are passionate about and motivated by and to think creatively about how you could turn them into a product or service that other people will want.
Lastly, you can increase your net income by reducing the amount of income tax you pay.
Bartering is a good way of reducing your tax bill or earning extra "income.
" Set up your own bartering group in your community or join an established barter exchange.
There are many more ways of increasing your income - the only limits being your imagination and how many hours of TV you watch!
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