MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development is for the IT professionals who have been learning about the Microsoft Dynamics as a major element of their career and have taken various certifications for it already; this exam offers the learning that is one the technical side of the exam.
MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development exam is based on the knowing and learning of the following objectives in which the learning comprise of the basic object types in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, fundamental aspects of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment that consists of UI, application objects, and basic metadata concepts, the physical and logical database structure, features for multi-developer environments, the concepts of tables and table components, concept behind primary and secondary keys, and explain how to set them, simple table with primary and secondary keys, and add data to the table, the concept of table relations, relations with a filter and condition, special table fields, special table fields to improve table features, the concepts of pages and page components, Page Designer and Action Designer, simple page and add basic controls to the page, overview of different page types and their characteristics and best practices in designing pages.
The MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development applicants also require to study about different factors for the exam certification that includes creating a Card page, adding a container, FastTabs, and fields, link it to the Card page and a Part page, and link the two pages, the concepts and basic use of C/AL code elements, the concepts of data types, simple data types, and complex data types, the concepts of identifiers, variables, and syntax, the syntax of identifiers, the scope of variables, the initialization of variables, simple codeunit to show how to define variables, assign data types, and investigate several default values that are initialized for several data types, concepts of assignment, assignment statements and the Symbol Menu, the concepts of expressions, terms, and operators, and expressions.
It is not a problem to find the MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development right training materials because several learning resources are available for those that are serious about taking the certification and are not afraid to invest for the exam, the other topics consisting to be described in this exam includes, how to use relational expressions for comparison, use relational expressions for set inclusion, logical expressions, logical and relational expressions in a page, conditional statements and Boolean expressions, the IF statement, the IF-THEN, and IF-THEN-ELSE syntax, EXIT statement and code indentation, the CASE statement and the syntax of the CASE statement, compound statements and comments, the syntax of compound statements with BEGIN and END, the concepts of nested IF statements and the rule of correct indentation, the syntax of comments, IF, EXIT, CASE, and compound statements in a page, arrays and describe the components of arrays, the syntax of arrays, the power of arrays, how to use strings as arrays of characters, repetitive statements that are available in C/AL and repetitive statements in a page.
MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development exam is based on the knowing and learning of the following objectives in which the learning comprise of the basic object types in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, fundamental aspects of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment that consists of UI, application objects, and basic metadata concepts, the physical and logical database structure, features for multi-developer environments, the concepts of tables and table components, concept behind primary and secondary keys, and explain how to set them, simple table with primary and secondary keys, and add data to the table, the concept of table relations, relations with a filter and condition, special table fields, special table fields to improve table features, the concepts of pages and page components, Page Designer and Action Designer, simple page and add basic controls to the page, overview of different page types and their characteristics and best practices in designing pages.
The MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development applicants also require to study about different factors for the exam certification that includes creating a Card page, adding a container, FastTabs, and fields, link it to the Card page and a Part page, and link the two pages, the concepts and basic use of C/AL code elements, the concepts of data types, simple data types, and complex data types, the concepts of identifiers, variables, and syntax, the syntax of identifiers, the scope of variables, the initialization of variables, simple codeunit to show how to define variables, assign data types, and investigate several default values that are initialized for several data types, concepts of assignment, assignment statements and the Symbol Menu, the concepts of expressions, terms, and operators, and expressions.
It is not a problem to find the MB7-702, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C/Side Development right training materials because several learning resources are available for those that are serious about taking the certification and are not afraid to invest for the exam, the other topics consisting to be described in this exam includes, how to use relational expressions for comparison, use relational expressions for set inclusion, logical expressions, logical and relational expressions in a page, conditional statements and Boolean expressions, the IF statement, the IF-THEN, and IF-THEN-ELSE syntax, EXIT statement and code indentation, the CASE statement and the syntax of the CASE statement, compound statements and comments, the syntax of compound statements with BEGIN and END, the concepts of nested IF statements and the rule of correct indentation, the syntax of comments, IF, EXIT, CASE, and compound statements in a page, arrays and describe the components of arrays, the syntax of arrays, the power of arrays, how to use strings as arrays of characters, repetitive statements that are available in C/AL and repetitive statements in a page.