Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Pain Relief - Chiropractors and Back Pain?

Every year millions of people visit a chiropractor seeking relief from an assortment of aches and pains.
Many of these people are going hoping to find relief from back pain.
But can a chiropractor cure your aching back? How effective is chiropractic treatment and is it safe? Over the years there has been some controversy surrounding the effectiveness and safety of chiropractic treatment.
Some of this was due to outlandish claims made by some chiropractors and a certain disdain from the AMA.
However today chiropractic treatment is seen as a safe and reliable way to treat pain especially some back pain.
Chiropractic treatment involves manipulation of the spine in the belief that correcting spinal misalignment will bring pain relief.
Using his hands the chiropractor with suddenly twist or jerk the spine and/or joint cause an overload of stress on the area.
Many times the patient will hear a sudden "pop".
Chiropractors may also use heat, cold, ultrasound and massage to help sore muscles relax.
This type of treatment works best for those individuals who are suffering from "acute" back problems.
These are conditions that are of a relatively short duration such as muscle strains and or pulls.
Pain lasting more than three months may indicate a more serious condition beyond the scope of chiropractic care.
Of course see your doctor first before undergoing treatment.
Most doctors are willing to work with a chiropractor and most insurance companies will cover the cost, especially if it was recommend by a doctor.
All in all chiropractic care has been shown to give some relieve to those living with an aching back.
Understand that it may not work or be the correct treatment for you.
There are many other programs that do offer effective relief from your sore back by addressing your unique condition and designing specific exercises to correct your bad back.
One of the top rated programs is The Lose The Back Pain System developed by The Healthy Back Institute.
This program has helped thousands to lose their back pain for good.
The Lose The Back Pain System custom designs a program of specific movements and exercises tailored to your exact needs.
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