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Network Marketing - Slow and Steady Wins the Race

It can be a good idea when we start something new to get it moving as quickly as possible.
The sooner we see positive movement, the sooner we see momentum begin to develop.
Building a business quickly and successfully is the best form of encouragement we can receive in Network Marketing.
The sooner we get a business moving, the sooner we also move up the ranks to higher payment levels and recognition.
Building a Network Marketing Business quickly has many advantages.
There are occasions when building a Business quickly could have a negative impact on your overall long-term strategies.
It is important that as your business grows, you grow along with it.
Its not a word we are like to hear but Network Marketing is a business based on change.
We need to change our perceptions, we need to change our shopping habits and we need to change and grow as people.
The story was told of a young girl who was watching a cocoon outside her bedroom window.
Each day she would check it to see if there was a butterfly coming out of it.
One day she noticed the cocoon was wiggling and a small hole appeared.
After a while the cocoon stopped moving so the girl went out to help the butterfly out of its home.
The butterfly was all wet and made some movements but within a few minutes it died.
Butterflies need the action of struggling out of their cocoon to give it the energy it needs to open its wings.
The struggle also helps dry the butterfly's wings.
Network Marketing is a bit like that.
Sometimes we need to struggle a little so we build ourselves as the business grows.
It's a bit like when someone who has been struggling financially buys a ticket in the lottery and wins the Jackpot.
Nine times out of ten, these people have lost their money within one or two years and are back to struggling.
This problem occurs when we have a "poor mindset" and look at money as something that is used to get the things we never had.
Pretty soon the money is gone and we begin to sell the things we bought to cover the costs of living that increased due to the lotto win.
If we grow as people, as our income grows, we learn to appreciate what we have because of the time and struggle it took to achieve it.
Slow and Steady will win the race and make the win worthwhile.
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