Health & Medical Neurological Conditions

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs)

In this article

What Research Is Being Done on Pervasive Developmental Disorders?

Most of the research being done on pervasive developmental disorders focuses on learning more about the causes of these disorders, specifically what is going on in the brain. The goal is to use this knowledge to develop better techniques for diagnosing and treating these disorders, ultimately leading to prevention and cure.

What Is the Outlook for People With Pervasive Developmental Disorders?

The outlook varies depending on the type and severity of the pervasive development disorder, the age at which treatment is started, and the availability of supportive resources for the child. Most children with PDDs will continue to have some problems with communication and socialization, but many can experience a significant increase in function with early intervention.

Can Pervasive Developmental Disorders Be Prevented?

Until more is known about the causes of pervasive development disorders, it is not possible to prevent them. However, the sooner a child with symptoms begins treatment, the better he or she will do in the long run.

If the child is not reaching his milestones or seems to be delayed, it is very important for parents to discuss any concerns they may have about their child with the child's pediatrician.

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