Stem cell therapy has come up with an wonderful anti aging option that not only improve your external beauty but also the stamina level that means you can feel more energetic. As per skin experts from all over the world there are thousands of patients facing serious side effects by using chemicals regularly. Every day we come in contact with these chemicals mainly in the form of beauty products. In USA, FDA also registered various skin problems like redness, swelling, pigmentation, skin thinning, blister, burning, bleeding, rash, and itching after use of certain cosmetic products. One need to be very much careful about these skin problems because without proper care a simple skin problem may convert to skin cancer, which is one of the most common form of cancer in the United States. As per dermatologist skin rashes is the most dangerous threat and according to certain survey over 30 million people visited skin specialists for skin rashes every year. Patients from all over the world facing similar problems that means there must be something wrong going on and we need to think about it again. That may be about diet, sun expose, use of chemicals, etc.
It is for sure that we cannot ignore the skin problems because it is the largest organ of our body. The problem getting worst when we age, our hormone declines and skin becomes dry, there are wrinkles, and other aging signs appear. In one hand we want to look good and at the same time cannot deny the side effects due to powerful beauty treatments like Botox, AHA with pH level 3.5 or less, retin-A wrinkle creams, etc. So there are many who are looking for some other effective alternate and in this regard stem cell treatment can be the most appropriate option. It is nowhere less than any miracle for the patients having skin problem and cannot go for general beauty products due to allergic problems.
Skin cells formed in the epidermis mainly protect and insulate the body from outer factors. These epidermis skin cells live for a period of 2-4 weeks that means the fact behind a fresh and glowing skin is regular replacement of these epidermal dead cells. Even cell division is also one of the major factors behind it however all these factors got affected with age. In other words an organ can properly work when cells properly work and stem cell therapies work on this basis. We are very much fortunate that stem cells can be developed in the laboratories from fat tissue or bone marrow. these developed stem cells when implanted in to human skin it repair, rejuvenate as well as regenerate cells naturally in other words it stimulates the natural regeneration process of cells. So it is considered as a natural form of treatment as you do not need any other medication.
It is for sure that we cannot ignore the skin problems because it is the largest organ of our body. The problem getting worst when we age, our hormone declines and skin becomes dry, there are wrinkles, and other aging signs appear. In one hand we want to look good and at the same time cannot deny the side effects due to powerful beauty treatments like Botox, AHA with pH level 3.5 or less, retin-A wrinkle creams, etc. So there are many who are looking for some other effective alternate and in this regard stem cell treatment can be the most appropriate option. It is nowhere less than any miracle for the patients having skin problem and cannot go for general beauty products due to allergic problems.
Skin cells formed in the epidermis mainly protect and insulate the body from outer factors. These epidermis skin cells live for a period of 2-4 weeks that means the fact behind a fresh and glowing skin is regular replacement of these epidermal dead cells. Even cell division is also one of the major factors behind it however all these factors got affected with age. In other words an organ can properly work when cells properly work and stem cell therapies work on this basis. We are very much fortunate that stem cells can be developed in the laboratories from fat tissue or bone marrow. these developed stem cells when implanted in to human skin it repair, rejuvenate as well as regenerate cells naturally in other words it stimulates the natural regeneration process of cells. So it is considered as a natural form of treatment as you do not need any other medication.