Business & Finance Corporations

How to Hire the Right Employee

It doesn't matter if you own industrial units or other businesses in your area; you will need to hire employees sooner rather than later to help you run your business more efficiently. If you hate hiring, like most people, there are a variety of things that you can do to hire the right employee that will be working for you in the years to come.


The first step to hiring the right employee comes from advertising in all of the right places. Besides advertising in your local newspaper you should also be advertising on free classified websites online and in professional jobs websites.

Your ad should be professional and clearly describe the job that you have available and the type of industry you are a part of. Plus one or two special bonuses like: work part time from home, telecommuting okay or earn performance bonuses during the year. Offering something special in your ad will help it to stand out from the dozens of other boring job ads that are reviewed on a daily basis.

All applicants should be encouraged to submit their resume with a cover letter so you can have the opportunity to look through them at your convenience.


Once you've found at least five applicants that you'd like to meet with don't hesitate to set up either a group interview or interviews with each applicant individually. During the interview you should be looking for telltale signs that they will be the right employee like:
  • Were they on time for the interview?
  • How are they dressed? Business professional or casual?
  • Do they use proper grammar and English?
  • How well are they groomed? Personal habits will have a lot to say about the overall quality of their work.
  • Are they willing to work overtime if needed?

Choosing the Right Employee

It may be difficult choosing the right employee but it's necessary because, you have to move onto the next level. You should choose an employee who has the most skills to offer for the position and is willing to work the hardest for the opportunity.

In many cases it may be wise to consider hiring an apprentice or trainee for the position if you find someone who comes close to matching what you're looking for but they don't quite possess all of the skills that you're looking for. This will enable you to create the right employee over time that will be a valuable resource to your team.
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