Health & Medical Acne

How to Get Rid of Blackheads - Simple Tips For Those Unseemly Blemishes

Most of us have been there.
Staring at our faces in the morning wondering just how to get rid of those pesky blackheads.
Most of us already know what blackheads are; trapped oil and dead skin that oxidizes when it comes into contact with air, which gives them that particularly nice shade of black that we've all come to love.
Now when it comes to actually getting rid of blackheads, there are thankfully a variety of things you can do to help both your body expel them more quickly as well as keeping them away more permanently.
One of the most common treatments for blackheads are beta hydroxy acid (BHA) Salicylic acid is a version of BHA and is great for helping to both get rid of and prevent future blackheads because it dissolves dead skin cells that causes them as well as cleans out pores to help get rid of them more quickly.
However as I'm a person that prefers homemade treatments, you could also use aspirin tablets.
Aspirin is just another from of BHA and if you crush a pill into a fine powder and dissolve it in water, you'll have a very effective treatment for cheap! Another great way for how to get rid of blackheads is to use honey.
Not only does honey have some pretty powerful antibacterial properties, but it's also a phenomenal moisturizer and will help heal your skin, stop breakouts and overall just make your skin look that much better.
I normally use a little bit on my skin just before I take a shower, just to make it that much easier to rinse off.
If you have oily skin, another option for how to get rid of blackheads is to use a clay mask, preferably one made of bentonite clay.
Bentonite clay is great as it sucks up excess oil from your skin and it also absorbs many toxins that your skin expels.
By using a clay mask, you're helping your skin deal with some of the external factors contributing to your blackheads.
A special note, however, is to only use this once a week as even the oiliest skin will start to dry out if you use it to often.
Using this simple and cheap methods for how to get rid of blackheads are ultimately your best options.
Trying to get rid of your blackheads forcibly with such things as pore strips or trying to "pop" them out of your skin can ultimately just lead to more breakouts.
By taking care of your skin with the above suggestions, your skin will expel them naturally and they will stay gone permanently.
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