- 1). Locate where the maggots are coming from, if they are first seen crawling along the ground. Look in nearby garbage cans, bags of manure or compost piles.
- 2). Bring 1 gallon of water to a rolling boil. Pour the boiling water over the maggots on the ground, as well as the location from which they came. The boiling water will kill the maggots.
- 3
Wash maggots into the open where birds will eat them.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Hose the maggots into an open area to be cleaned up by birds and other wildlife that dine on them. - 4). Get rid of any maggots that remain by applying an insecticide that contains permethrin. While most insecticides are not effective when trying to eliminate maggots, permethrin-based insecticides are effective. Use permethrin-based insecticides only where cats and fish are not present as it's very toxic to them.
- 5). Shovel the dead maggots into a trash bag. Seal the bag and throw it away.