Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Are You Hiding From Your Grief After The Death Of A Loved One

When a loved one dies, it is difficult to face the reality of never seeing that person again. It is extremely painful to pick up the pieces and move forward. Dont you wish you could find that safe place where you could be free of death, as well as the grief and deep emotions from the loss of a loved one? Wouldnt it be nice to simply decide that you just wont deal with those situations that make you feel uncomfortable, afraid, or emotional? Wouldnt it be grand if you could pick and choose exactly what you want to happen in your life, how it happens and when it occurs? It sure would be great, but the bottom line is we cant run away from fears all of our life; we cant hide under our covers or behind our parents forever; we dont have the option to write that perfect story of our life. More importantly, we cant hide from death; it is a part of life for everyone. Therefore, we have to be in the moment today, live life and face every single experience that comes our way no matter what.

So, let me ask you this? Are you hiding from your emotions and your grief from the loss of a loved one, or from any situation in your life, for that matter? Do you find yourself burying your guilt, anger, resentment and other emotions because it is much easier to do this than it is to face each feeling? Are you afraid of what youll go through as you face each emotion? Have you tried to face your grief and felt like things were getting worse, and as a result, you ran away even faster than you did before? If youre like me, youve answered yes to at least one of these questions at some point in your life. I get it! I understand. But, heres the deal, if you dont face your emotions, your grief, or your fears, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. You are setting yourself up for even greater pain, guilt, or anger, or whatever the emotion may be. You may not realize it, but burying your feelings, or hiding from fear, or running away from your grief, closes off a part of you that deserves to live. It is imperative to your health and well-being to face your fears, emotions, and grief head-on. If you dont face and accept it when the situation occurs, youll be reminded time and time again throughout your life until you do work through it.

So, whatever your situation may be, whether its working through grief, conquering a fear, or sorting through different emotions, try this on for size:

Feel and face your feelings! Be honest with yourself regarding your emotions! Accept the fact that you are in this situation! Once you feel, face and accept it (at a very deep level), make an intention to let it go for good! When you make the intention, mean it deep within your heart (no lip service)! Finally, move on in a healthy way. You can do it! When you face your feelings about the death of a loved one and you move through the grieving process, you then have the strength and courage to continue forward with your life in a healthy manner. I wish you the best!
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