- 1). Contact different lenders and ask whether they will take an unofficial transcript with verification letters from faculty in lieu of official transcripts. Some lenders have very strict underwriting guidelines and will say no, but others understand that financial issues are not the only reason schools withhold transcripts. Make a list of the lenders who will work with you and get information on their basic student loan application processes and options.
- 2). Contact the registrar's office at your academic institution in writing and formally request your unofficial transcripts. These are virtually the same as for official transcripts, except the transcripts do not carry your institution's seal and are not signed by an authority from the school.
- 3). Contact professors for your completed classes in writing, asking them for signed verification of when you took the class, the class number and your grade. Explain that you will use the verification for a loan application. This will take some time, but it is the only way to get a signed verification of what is shown on the unofficial transcript.
- 4). Make copies of and organize the verification letters you receive from your professors into a single packet. Put them in the same order they appear on the unofficial transcript, for ease of reference.
- 5). Gather all your financial documents, such as your paystubs and debt statements. Make copies of this information.
- 6). Write a formal loan proposal. It should detail exactly how much money you need based on current tuition, fees, and room and board costs, how you will use the student loan and how you will pay it back. It should include supporting evidence for your application, such as studies showing the viability of the career your education will help you enter.
- 7). Write a cover letter for the loan proposal and unofficial transcript package. Note the absence of unofficial transcripts but point out your unofficial copy and verification letters. If possible, indicate when the official transcript will become available.
- 8). Make an appointment with a loan officer at your lender of choice. Go to the appointment and fill out a formal student loan application and submit your proposal and unofficial transcript package.
- 9). Negotiate the terms of your student loan once your lender approves the application. Sign the necessary paperwork.