- Your septic system should meet certain construction and installation specifications to safely take care of your wastewater disposal needs. The septic tank will hold waste from toilets, baths, sinks and washing machines but not from surface water drainage. The septic field should be located in an area that will not contaminate drinking or ground water.
- The components of a septic system are a pipe leading from the home, the tank, a drainfield and the soil. The tank is a watertight container, which is made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene. Wastewater from the home flows into the tank, and then settles out forming sludge. Scum from oil and grease float to the surface. A drain field is the area around the septic tank into which wastewater flows. Wastewater will flow into the drain field each time new wastewater enters the tank. The wastewater will then percolate into the soil, and harmful bacteria will be removed by microbes before reaching the groundwater.
- The specification for the location of the septic tank should be greater than 5 feet away from any building or property boundary. The tank should be farther than 5 feet from a driveway, 16 feet from the edge of the road, and 50 feet from any source of water. The tank should be accessible for pumping out septic waste or sludge.
- The specifications for a septic tank's minimum holding capacity are: 600 gallons for a two-bedroom home; 750 gallons for a three-bedroom home; 900 gallon for a four-bedroom home; and 1,200 gallons for a five-bedroom home.
- The specification for piping is 4-inch-diameter PVC solid and perforated pipes. Perforated pipe should run 66 feet or less. The pipes for cleaning out the system should be 4 inches in diameter, extend above the ground surface and be capped.
- The specification for the minimum cover of soil over the tank should be 4 feet with no insulation. If you choose to use a rigid insulation, then the minimum soil cover should be 2 feet.
Septic Field Components
Holding Capacity
Soil Cover