- 1). Separate the audience into small groups to answer questions, solve problems or participate in interesting activities.
- 2). Hold a raffle at the beginning, end or during the presentation. People love the thrill of winning something.
- 3). Use pauses and open ended sentences to encourage the audience to fill in the blanks themselves.
- 4). Bring someone on stage to demonstrate a point or engage in role play. Discuss this with the person beforehand, or be impulsive and ask for volunteers.
- 5). Ask questions and let the audience call out the answers or raise their hands. Hold a small contest and reward the person who provides the correct answer with a small prize.
- 6). Allow the audience to engage in discussion that deviates from the topic. This encourages open interaction and increases the audience's comfort level. Have a plan to get the presentation back on track.
- 7). Make time for the audience to ask questions. Answering questions clears up any confusion and further engages the audience.
- 8). Break the audience into teams and use a game show format to review material.
- 9). Distribute handouts at the appropriate time and have the audience interact with it in some way while you speak.