Health & Medical Parenting

Mom Commits Drug Dealer Son to Rehab and Juvenile Detention at Own Expense

"What's a mother to do?" she asked as she admitted her out of control son into juvenile hall.
This was done at the parent's expense.
In her explanation she claimed that it did not burden the tax payer because she paid for it.
Indeed, at first glance it sure looks that way, however that drug dealing son of hers is the culmination of her parenting abilities.
And there is no doubt that this son of hers will go on to do more crimes and cause more problems in the future and that will in fact cost our society more later.
My question is just how many break-ins, robberies or other crimes did the buyers of drugs from her son do, in order to pay for all the illegal drugs? If the mother really paid for the cost to society it would most likely be well over $50,000 in my estimation and opinion.
Of course, this mother has 6-kids and this is her oldest son, and so I ask is this drug dealer son just a sign of things to come with her 5-other children? As a citizen with expensive insurance premiums and someone who has to make sure everything is locked up where ever I go, I do not take kindly to failed parents who took on the responsibility of having six kids, then ditching that responsibility saying; "What's a Mother to Do?" Well, for starters if you cannot handle a boat-load of kids, don't have them.
Her jobless husband, aka "stay at home dad" is not to blame either, because he is doing the best he can apparently? Hum uh, but by whose standards? The father claims that he has a strong belief system and values? Maybe, but I have to wonder why didn't he teach those to his children, if those values are indeed so deeply engrained.
Most of all, I want to know why it's okay to pass off these responsibilities on society, all of us.
This kid is 17-years old, soon an adult and to be discharged by his parents into the world.
God only knows what will happen then, but what's a mother to do? So, I ask you, what is a mother suppose to do? How about exercise a little bit of responsibility?
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