Home & Garden Home Improvement

Shed Designs - Garden Storage Solutions

Imagine for a moment, you found the key secrets that provide all the garden storage solutions that enable you to organize all your garden tools and supplies.
How would that make you feel, pretty darn good, right? Continue reading this article to discover the key secrets, how shed designs and woodworking plans provide the little known tricks to end the clutter and organize your gardening stuff.
As gardeners, we realize the importance of starting our own annual flower and vegetable plants from seed.
After all the money, we spend each year at the nursery buying Begonias, Impatients, Petunias and tomato and pepper plants.
We ask ourselves, how can I get my own greenhouse and start my own plants from seed? Rare thinking people such as you already know the answer to that question, build a greenhouse.
The landscaper in us has a deep-seated need and desire to train and manicure all our hardscapes, trees and plants.
The great thing about that, our place looks like we hired a professional landscaper; the not so great thing is we have acquired all kinds of garden tools and lawn maintenance equipment in order to keep it looking that way.
Where to store, and more importantly, How to organize all that stuff is a little overwhelming at times contributing to the truly vexing part of this scenario.
If you are like my wife and I, you not only share in these storage issues, you also have kids.
With everything, they bring to the party: balls, bats, bicycles pool toys and all the other stuff we need something that is multifunctional to serve as the family's ideal storage space.
How do we manage to solve all these storage problems? Begin by establishing what you want to accomplish.
My thirteen-year-old son JT, who will soon finish the requirements for life scout by the way and I have been discussing in detail, what the family needs in the way of a storage shed.
Working on his gardening merit badge, JT has acquired a deep appreciation for horticulture.
Moreover, is convinced we must incorporate some sort of greenhouse in our sheds design.
The design we have settled on incorporates building a shed with one of the longest walls facing due south.
Then attaching a lean too style addition that will serve as the greenhouse.
We also have decided that we will have an oversized front door with a ramp that will accommodate the riding lawn mower, ATV, garden tiller and all that kind of stuff.
On the west side of the building, we are going to have a standard entry door for smaller everyday items like boxes and garden tools.
Inside our shed, we are going to build wall hanging cabinets we can use to store the items we want kept out of the reach of the younger kids and our dog Buddy.
Yeah, I know it is a common name but, the thing is as soon as everyone is in bed for the night our yellow lab craws into bed with whom ever will let him, hence the name Buddy fits him well.
How is this for another storage solution, we have a relationship with a local restaurant that gets their pickles in three-gallon buckets.
Three-gallon buckets work great for storing balls, the garden hose and many other items.
They fit nicely on a sixteen inch deep wood shelf we built using plywood.
They also work well to store any left over fertilizer, grass seed, potting soil and even Pete pots.
We put stuff in them snap the top on and stack them; put them in the cabinet we built or slide them on a handy shelf.
Adding a couple skylights to provide natural lighting is another feature we are going to install on the roof.
No self-respecting gardener's shed would be complete without a workbench.
We have plans to build ours with sliding drawers we can use to store small items.
Base cabinets with locking doors where we can secure fertilizers, plant food and other lawn and garden tools will round out our workbench rather nicely, if I do say so myself.
With a little planning and sweat equity, you to can build a shed that is what you need to store all your gardening supplies, and enjoy the project as an added bonus.
Pick up Woodworking 4 Home, have fun, build something and be the envy of the neighborhood.
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