Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Importance of Deep Sleep

People today have little time for sleep, too busy keeping up with the rest of the world. Most people do not even consider sleep a real need. What they fail to realize is that quality sleep is necessary for staying healthy. Sleep deprivation affects the mind and the entire body.

Deep Sleep Problems Keeping People Awake

Lack of some deep sleep with REM (rapid eye movement) can lead to trouble focusing, increased risk of accidents and falling, lower productivity, daytime drowsiness and irritability. People short of sleep are usually cranky. Their emotions along with their decision-making and social interaction abilities are also affected.

Inadequate sleep also takes its toll on someone’s motor skills, especially for those who have been seriously deprived of sleep. The effect is somewhat similar to drunk-driving. Driver fatigue is said to cause nearly 100,000 accidents and around 1,500 deaths annually. Recent studies have likewise revealed that insufficient deep sleep is tied to higher diabetes risk, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and obesity.

The Deep Sleep Scene

The brain sorts out memories, improves concentration and solidifies learning experiences during sleep. Mood is regulated while actively dreaming during the REM state. An internal body clock controls sleep. It is sensitive to time of day, light and other awakening and sleep cues.

After falling asleep, a person’s sleep proceeds in cycles that last the night, shifting from deep restorative sleep to more alert stages and then dreaming. As the night goes on, he or she starts spending more time in lighter and dream sleep. Two main sleep types are REM and Non-REM (NREM). Most active dreaming is done in REM while NREM sleep includes four stages of deeper and even deeper sleep. All stages are important for total quality sleep, but REM and deep sleep are considered key.

Deep Sleep Means Sound Asleep

<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1312646');" href="/links/?u="><b>Deep Sleep</b></a> is important for the immune system, regenerating its function. Inadequate sleep weakens the immune system and leaves the body exposed to disease and infection. Sleep is also the time neurons rest and have repairs done. Neurons are nervous system cells that perform voluntary as well as involuntary commands – like digestive processes and breathing.

A number of hormones are released while sleeping or just prior to it. Growth hormones are one example of hormones let loose during sleep. Such hormones are vital to restorative processes (muscle repair) and growing kids. Deep sleep also helps new moms recover post-partum, improving overall mood and nurturing their sex hormones production.

Must-Dos For Deep Sleep

To get proper deep sleep, the sleep environment has to be comfortable and with as little outside noise as possible. Magnesium and calcium supplements relax muscles and make entering deeper sleep easier. Relax the mind with calming, fragrant and soothing essential oils. Stock up on REM sleep by sleeping more within the morning.

For people eluded by decent shuteye, try the above suggestions. As for more serious sleep problems, consider consulting a doctor and inquiring about sleep medications. <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1312646');" href="/links/?u="><b>Ambien</b>is one drug that helps with achieving deeper sleep, falling asleep quicker after waking up at night, and feeling better.
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