In order to create a high-impact plan you need to optimize your budget.
Yes, expensive one-time marketing techniques such as glossy brochures or radio blitz's sounds like a great idea; however, they are extremely expensive and will drain your marketing budget.
You will be better off using low-budget marketing strategies to get your message out to consumers on a regular basis.
There are various reasons why small businesses should utilize low-budget marketing techniques: -Expensive ad exposure does not necessarily translate to increased sales and revenue.
For every dollar that you spend on marketing you should see an increase in your sales as a result of the marketing strategy implemented.
-Your target audience - niche specific to your small business and the products that you sell - will need to see advertisements for your product at least seven times before they build enough trust in your company to influence a buying decision.
In order to market to your customers at least seven times, a one-time high-impact plan will not allow for this, therefore, necessitating the use of low-budget strategies.
-Use multiple marketing channels in order to increase your small business' marketing impact.
Post banner ads online, advertisements in the newspaper and magazines, use social media such as facebook, twitter, YouTube and blogging.
The more you can stretch your marketing dollars and expose your potential customers to your small business and your products, the more revenue you will generate.
A few quick suggestions: -Piggyback on another company's marketing campaign.
This can save your company time and capital.
-Target the right market.
Find customers who are easy to identify and affordable to market to.
Go for small niche markets.
-Make your small business newsworthy.
Have something unique about your company that will make it newsworthy and incite people to talk about your company creating a buzz around your small business.
-Joint ventures are extremely powerful, form one.
This will help you market your business.
Joint ventures will lower costs allowing your business enter new markets and create new distribution opportunities.
-Maximize your referrals from current customers to potential customers.
Testimonials and referrals from current customers speaks much louder than any fancy ad campaign.
Creativity will ultimately allow your marketing strategies to pay off for your company.
You don't have to have the largest budget in order for your small business to be successful.
Yes, expensive one-time marketing techniques such as glossy brochures or radio blitz's sounds like a great idea; however, they are extremely expensive and will drain your marketing budget.
You will be better off using low-budget marketing strategies to get your message out to consumers on a regular basis.
There are various reasons why small businesses should utilize low-budget marketing techniques: -Expensive ad exposure does not necessarily translate to increased sales and revenue.
For every dollar that you spend on marketing you should see an increase in your sales as a result of the marketing strategy implemented.
-Your target audience - niche specific to your small business and the products that you sell - will need to see advertisements for your product at least seven times before they build enough trust in your company to influence a buying decision.
In order to market to your customers at least seven times, a one-time high-impact plan will not allow for this, therefore, necessitating the use of low-budget strategies.
-Use multiple marketing channels in order to increase your small business' marketing impact.
Post banner ads online, advertisements in the newspaper and magazines, use social media such as facebook, twitter, YouTube and blogging.
The more you can stretch your marketing dollars and expose your potential customers to your small business and your products, the more revenue you will generate.
A few quick suggestions: -Piggyback on another company's marketing campaign.
This can save your company time and capital.
-Target the right market.
Find customers who are easy to identify and affordable to market to.
Go for small niche markets.
-Make your small business newsworthy.
Have something unique about your company that will make it newsworthy and incite people to talk about your company creating a buzz around your small business.
-Joint ventures are extremely powerful, form one.
This will help you market your business.
Joint ventures will lower costs allowing your business enter new markets and create new distribution opportunities.
-Maximize your referrals from current customers to potential customers.
Testimonials and referrals from current customers speaks much louder than any fancy ad campaign.
Creativity will ultimately allow your marketing strategies to pay off for your company.
You don't have to have the largest budget in order for your small business to be successful.