Every day we use number of images for our personal and professional purpose. Some are for sharing funny or serious experience or some are for selling the service or products. The main point of sharing the image is to attract the concentration of the viewers. Normally, we use two types of images to serve the purpose: 1. Raster Image and 2. Vector Image. We can do raster to vector conversion or vector to raster conversion to convert one file into another.
Raster image is a type of file format that is composed out of numerous dots or pixels. Most of the images we use are raster files. The images you are capturing with your smart phone or camera are raster files.
Vector file is another type of file format. The main difference between raster file and vector file is the underlying composition of the image. One is constructed out of numerous pixels while vector file is certain shape based on mathematical expression.
Since raster file is pixel based there is strong possibility of damaging or corrupting the file if we modify the pixel ratio of the image that much. Therefore, we can't re-size this type of image frequently. Even the resolution or the visual effect of raster file is not that much rich with comparison to vector image. Here comes the core necessity of vector image.
We need to do raster to vector conversion to get rid of the this type of limitation of raster files. By doing raster to vector conversion we can enrich the visual effect of the image. It can be enlarged as much as we need. Even we can make it as small as we need. Let's think of the logo of a company. It will need to use in different size in different places. A raster logo can't serve this purpose. Even by converting the logo into raster we can ensure the best visual effect.
Vector files are also very much printing friendly. When we need to print an image for advertising or for any other purpose we need to use vector file to get the best quality. A vector file can be created out of almost damaged raster file or ameature sketch.
Let's think of KFC. I am sure that, the first thing you are remembering about the franchise is the smiling face. Yes, it;s a vector file. It's a good example of the magic of vector image. They are using a person's face like as their logo. It has been possible by converting it into a vector.
I think, your tension of low resolution or poor quality file has gone. You can easily resolve the issue by converting it into smart vector. A vector shape can be created with Adobe Illustrator. Before proceeding with raster to vector conversion assignment one should be well introduced with Adobe Photoshop. It will make vector conversion easier to the learners. If you need any sort of assistance for raster to vector conversion you may contact our customer support team any time.