There is nothing so precious as health. Feeling good and ensuring we take care of ourselves not only gives day by day quality of life, but goes a long way towards longevity of life. There are predictions that babies born today can expect to live almost a century as a regular factor, if they avoid some of the deadly diseases such as cancer that still can be terminal in many cases.
That life expectancy figure has increased through the centuries as quality of food and medicines has countered some of the disease and plague that was once so devastating.
Health has always been an issue through the Ages and the ancient Egyptians realised this centuries ago though they feared death less than many peoples in later years because their burial technique involving mummification and tombs were partly to ensure immortality.
The Valley of the Kings and Queens in Luxor contain the rich history of the ancient pharaohs who were buried with everything they might need in the afterlife. Indeed relatives would regularly visit after death, leaving food for their dead relatives.
Everything that someone might need for the after life was left in the tomb, including statues representing the labourer who would help in the future, treasure to fund that life, cups and plates, medicines, candida treatment and colosan or the equivalent.
It extremely dry and warm conditions of the Egyptian Desert has meant that antiquity has been preserved far better than in other parts of the World so modern day historians have found a rich source of information. Many valuable contents from the tombs have made their way to the Museums of the World but the Museum in Cairo is probably the one with most interesting contents, valuables from Tutenkamun and Rameses, indeed all the great pharaohs.
The malarial conditions close to the River Nile were one of the reasons life expectancy was short of what we would regard as middle age while the dangers from wild animals compounded the problems the ordinary Egyptian faced.
Life was hard for the labourer, the man who tended the crops, but the River Nile at least provided the water guaranteeing the success of crops.
The prevalence of internal problems meant that Egyptian physicians studied many forms of medicine, and certainly developed treatments to counter problems of the liver and the intestines. A great deal of research was done into the internal workings of the body and the equivalent of candida treatment and colosan tried to counter the problems Egyptians faced.
We would regard their treatment of many forms of injuries as fairly advanced as well. Life was not easy for the Egyptian labourer, but labour was valuable and the rich regarded their labour force as something they needed to look after. Their own over indulgences met with a different challenge to the physician, the repair of broken limbs of labourers was regarded as straightforward.
The Egyptian Era faded to be replaced by Empires founded in Europe but many of the things the Egyptians developed continued and were refined over future centuries.
That life expectancy figure has increased through the centuries as quality of food and medicines has countered some of the disease and plague that was once so devastating.
Health has always been an issue through the Ages and the ancient Egyptians realised this centuries ago though they feared death less than many peoples in later years because their burial technique involving mummification and tombs were partly to ensure immortality.
The Valley of the Kings and Queens in Luxor contain the rich history of the ancient pharaohs who were buried with everything they might need in the afterlife. Indeed relatives would regularly visit after death, leaving food for their dead relatives.
Everything that someone might need for the after life was left in the tomb, including statues representing the labourer who would help in the future, treasure to fund that life, cups and plates, medicines, candida treatment and colosan or the equivalent.
It extremely dry and warm conditions of the Egyptian Desert has meant that antiquity has been preserved far better than in other parts of the World so modern day historians have found a rich source of information. Many valuable contents from the tombs have made their way to the Museums of the World but the Museum in Cairo is probably the one with most interesting contents, valuables from Tutenkamun and Rameses, indeed all the great pharaohs.
The malarial conditions close to the River Nile were one of the reasons life expectancy was short of what we would regard as middle age while the dangers from wild animals compounded the problems the ordinary Egyptian faced.
Life was hard for the labourer, the man who tended the crops, but the River Nile at least provided the water guaranteeing the success of crops.
The prevalence of internal problems meant that Egyptian physicians studied many forms of medicine, and certainly developed treatments to counter problems of the liver and the intestines. A great deal of research was done into the internal workings of the body and the equivalent of candida treatment and colosan tried to counter the problems Egyptians faced.
We would regard their treatment of many forms of injuries as fairly advanced as well. Life was not easy for the Egyptian labourer, but labour was valuable and the rich regarded their labour force as something they needed to look after. Their own over indulgences met with a different challenge to the physician, the repair of broken limbs of labourers was regarded as straightforward.
The Egyptian Era faded to be replaced by Empires founded in Europe but many of the things the Egyptians developed continued and were refined over future centuries.