If you want to boost female libido the good news is there are some proven herbs which can help you do just that and not only will they improve your sexual health, they will also improve your overall level of wellness at the same time.
The herbs below, can all be found in the best herbal sex pills so you don't have to source them all individually, let's take a look at the causes of lack of sexual desire and the herbs to cure the problem.
All women need testosterone and estrogen, as there both needed for general health sexual desire and sexual satisfaction.
The best herb to increase estrogen is Dong Quai and this is simply seen as the best single herb for all round women's wellness.
To increase testosterone you can take the well known tonic herb Ginseng.
If you want to enjoy sex and have a strong libido, the sex organs must harden and fill with blood and low libido is often caused by sluggish blood flow to the pelvic region.
Two great herbs to get the blood flowing quickly are Ginger which also keeps the heart healthy and Ginkgo Biloba which keeps the blood flowing freely, by preventing obstructions such as furring.
The Menopause and PMS, are common causes of low libido and Dong Quai mentioned earlier is a great herb to help restore hormonal balance.
The herb also balances blood sugar levels, fights stress and fatigue, boosts body energy and is rich in a number of nutrients such as iron.
Damiana is a herb which also helps to restore hormonal balance and when taken, relaxes the body and calms the mind, producing a feeling of mild euphoria which heightens sex drive and satisfaction from orgasm.
The above are just some of the herbs you can take to boost female libido and they will improve your sex life and your overall level of health which is good news for all women.
The herbs below, can all be found in the best herbal sex pills so you don't have to source them all individually, let's take a look at the causes of lack of sexual desire and the herbs to cure the problem.
All women need testosterone and estrogen, as there both needed for general health sexual desire and sexual satisfaction.
The best herb to increase estrogen is Dong Quai and this is simply seen as the best single herb for all round women's wellness.
To increase testosterone you can take the well known tonic herb Ginseng.
If you want to enjoy sex and have a strong libido, the sex organs must harden and fill with blood and low libido is often caused by sluggish blood flow to the pelvic region.
Two great herbs to get the blood flowing quickly are Ginger which also keeps the heart healthy and Ginkgo Biloba which keeps the blood flowing freely, by preventing obstructions such as furring.
The Menopause and PMS, are common causes of low libido and Dong Quai mentioned earlier is a great herb to help restore hormonal balance.
The herb also balances blood sugar levels, fights stress and fatigue, boosts body energy and is rich in a number of nutrients such as iron.
Damiana is a herb which also helps to restore hormonal balance and when taken, relaxes the body and calms the mind, producing a feeling of mild euphoria which heightens sex drive and satisfaction from orgasm.
The above are just some of the herbs you can take to boost female libido and they will improve your sex life and your overall level of health which is good news for all women.