There are tons of products claiming to be the "best acne medicine", so which one really is the best? Acne is our skin saying that something is wrong, so how do we know what it is? Acne could be caused from stress, poor hygiene, poor eating habits, touching our face too often, basically our pores being clogged.
Therefore, the best acne medicine is clearly something that will unclog our pores safe, and effectively.
Natural methods are usually a safe route to go, they have a high risk of side effects if you create the concoctions at home though, or don't purchase the right product.
Over-the-counter products are most often the best bet, you shouldn't need prescriptions for most cases of acne, unless it is extremely severe.
Most of the prescriptions methods come with uncomfortable side effects anyway.
A lot of common products will only cover up the symptoms of acne, and you really have to watch out for these.
The best acne medicine will be something that clears up the acne, which will in turn eliminate the symptoms.
Also watch out for promising products such as Proactive.
This product actually kills our good and bad bacteria with its harsh chemicals.
When our skin loses our good bacteria it fights back by producing more, in bulk.
Unfortunately it creates the bad with the good, and in turn causes us more breakouts.
If this effect doesn't happen, its because our bodies have built a defense against it, which means it becomes immune to it, and the product no longer works on our skin.
So don't get confused with Proactive being considered the best acne medicine.
We want to focus on something that treats acne from the root cause.
We don't want something that is just going to mask our symptoms and not actually cure the problem.
We also want something that will maintain a clear complexion, fast, and effectively.
Therefore, the best acne medicine is clearly something that will unclog our pores safe, and effectively.
Natural methods are usually a safe route to go, they have a high risk of side effects if you create the concoctions at home though, or don't purchase the right product.
Over-the-counter products are most often the best bet, you shouldn't need prescriptions for most cases of acne, unless it is extremely severe.
Most of the prescriptions methods come with uncomfortable side effects anyway.
A lot of common products will only cover up the symptoms of acne, and you really have to watch out for these.
The best acne medicine will be something that clears up the acne, which will in turn eliminate the symptoms.
Also watch out for promising products such as Proactive.
This product actually kills our good and bad bacteria with its harsh chemicals.
When our skin loses our good bacteria it fights back by producing more, in bulk.
Unfortunately it creates the bad with the good, and in turn causes us more breakouts.
If this effect doesn't happen, its because our bodies have built a defense against it, which means it becomes immune to it, and the product no longer works on our skin.
So don't get confused with Proactive being considered the best acne medicine.
We want to focus on something that treats acne from the root cause.
We don't want something that is just going to mask our symptoms and not actually cure the problem.
We also want something that will maintain a clear complexion, fast, and effectively.