Where do dolphins live? and where do they go when they need to cry? Where is my refund of the things I've struggled for? Where is that space for breath and key to my closet? Where is OK? Is there a home for abandoned strokes of creativity? There are sketchbooks that seem to be lost.
Perhaps I'm being too demanding garrulous to some I'm sure.
And yet...
there are mirrors in every closet if we take the time to look for them open hearts to them.
Dolphins are leaving the earth who can blame them? But I was wondering if maybe I found my sketchbooks again if I could just beg them to hasten there might be no reason to continue to draw without them.
Odd isn't it? Dolphins leaving the earth for lack of caring how did we get to that space? There is an energy peace brings an energy to creativity blessed.
There is an energy to evil and selfishness understood.
Combat can peace survive? Do dolphins patron an element of tranquility that cannot abide along side winds that destroy harmonies bringing destruction? A world racing toward its own demise? Selfish traders of commodities making suffering irrelevant.
Where do dolphins live? and where do they go when they need to cry? I suspect it is far beyond our understanding and yet hopefully we will find a space for introspection sort out possibilities unmet dreams and care for the fragile of heart for it we don't peace will pass us ore by and by.
Perhaps I'm being too demanding garrulous to some I'm sure.
And yet...
there are mirrors in every closet if we take the time to look for them open hearts to them.
Dolphins are leaving the earth who can blame them? But I was wondering if maybe I found my sketchbooks again if I could just beg them to hasten there might be no reason to continue to draw without them.
Odd isn't it? Dolphins leaving the earth for lack of caring how did we get to that space? There is an energy peace brings an energy to creativity blessed.
There is an energy to evil and selfishness understood.
Combat can peace survive? Do dolphins patron an element of tranquility that cannot abide along side winds that destroy harmonies bringing destruction? A world racing toward its own demise? Selfish traders of commodities making suffering irrelevant.
Where do dolphins live? and where do they go when they need to cry? I suspect it is far beyond our understanding and yet hopefully we will find a space for introspection sort out possibilities unmet dreams and care for the fragile of heart for it we don't peace will pass us ore by and by.