Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Carpal Tunnel Exercises

The following carpal tunnel exercises should be completely pain-free.
If you find you are feeling pain while performing any of the exercises, stop as soon as you feel the pain.
Instead, try another exercise or two.
Then, once your wrist feels better, try the exercise that originally hurt.
If it still hurts, then you must call your doctor.
Since carpal tunnel syndrome results more from your body's aligning incorrectly while you perform a number of repetitive motions, doctors often mistreat it, prescribing arthritis medications or even surgery.
A variety of carpal tunnel exercises exist to help you correct your posture and realign your body.
Not only will they help you to alleviate your current carpal tunnel syndrome, but they will also prevent more problems in the future.
Take a look at the way in which you hold your body before you start these carpal tunnel exercises.
Do you always hold one hand somewhat in front of your body, or do you push one shoulder slightly in front of the other? This stance indicates that you have what is known as a rotational posture problem.
In other words, your waist constantly twists in one direction or the other.
In addition, if you hold one shoulder higher than the other, or if you turn your kneecaps outward while you stand at rest rather than forward as they are meant to, then you have asymmetrical posture.
These problems may seem minor, but treating them will help to resolve a number of aches and pains, one of which is carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel Exercise #1: Knee Ball Squeeze This carpal tunnel exercise is intended to address poor spinal posture and correct rotational posture problems.
Sit without a back support--on a stool or the edge of a chair--keeping your spine straight and your shoulders level over your pelvis.
The seat should be a height that, while keeping your feet flat on the floor, your thighs are perpendicular to your spine, and your hips are at a right angle to your shins.
Put a small rubber ball (8" in diameter) between your knees, and squeeze slowly, using your inner thigh muscles for leverage.
Do 3 sets of 15.
The exercise may feel awkward or unnatural at first, but that simply indicates that it is treating the problem.
The discomfort will dissipate as the problem is addressed.
If, however, you begin to experience true pain that lasts through the exercise, stop doing it immediately.
This exercise can also be performed while you are lying on the floor.
Your legs should be on the stool to make the same two 90-degree angles.
Carpal Tunnel Exercise #2: The Tilt Take cushions and a board to make a ramp against the angle of a wall.
When you stand on the ramp while facing the wall, your ankles should make a 45-degree angle to your shins.
Hold the wall for balance as you stand flat-footed on the ramp.
Align your back, your shoulders over your pelvis, your pelvis over your knees, and your knees over your ankles.
Count to 20 while you hold this position, and then step off the ramp and repeat.
This is just one of many carpal tunnel exercises intended to help repair poor rotational posture.
Carpal Tunnel Exercise #3: The Clock Facing a wall, stand close to it.
Make your hands into C's and raise them above your head, keeping your arms straight, so that the C's are facing each other.
Then move as close to the wall as you can while remaining comfortable.
Keep your posture straight, your head over your shoulders, over your hips, over your knees, and over your ankles.
Then gradually move your arms into the 10-o'-clock and 2-o'-clock positions.
Try to hold this position for a full minute, but if you can't manage that, count to 20.
Then move your arms into the 3-o'-clock and 9-o'-clock positions.
Hold that for at least 20 seconds.
Then relax and repeat.
While doing this exercise, try to move closer to the wall, and hold the different positions until you can finally last at least a full minute.
If you feel any sudden pain, stop the exercise immediately.
These carpal tunnel exercises tackle the problem of asymmetrical posture.
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