If you would like to know how to treat recurring bacterial vaginosis naturally, there are a number of simple steps you can take which can quickly eliminate the condition without the use of expensive over the counter medication or antibiotics.
Bacterial vaginosis is a very common condition affecting most women at some point or another, usually, but not exclusively, during their childbearing years.
For some, it is nothing more than an isolated outbreak and may arrive and disappear for no apparent reason.
For others though, it is a recurring condition which never really seems to clear up.
A little knowledge as to the nature of BV can mean the difference between being BV free for life, or suffering for years.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.
Usually, the beneficial bacteria in the vagina maintains control and is supported by a mildly acidic pH level.
When this level is upset and conditions become alkaline, harmful bacteria grows out of control and it is this which causes the symptoms of BV which include itching or burning of the delicate vaginal tissues and a watery discharge which is usually gray or white and has a pungent fishy odor.
Antibiotics work by killing off all vaginal bacteria, both good and bad.
This means that as soon as the antibiotics are finished and bacteria repopulates the vagina, there is not enough "good" bacteria to keep the bad bacteria under control and the whole cycle begins again.
In addition, antibiotics cannot address the root cause of BV.
It's a well-known fact that around 75% of women who take antibiotics for bacterial vagnosis will have further outbreaks within a few weeks Knowing how to treat recurring bacterial vaginosis naturally is the key.
You need to eliminate the root causes and use strategies to enhance the levels of good bacteria which means that the body is well-able to fight any future potential outbreaks.
Some common reasons why women get BV include smoking, being under the weather, a change of sexual partner and overwashing.
Therefore, stopping smoking will help, as will taking a multivitamin supplement.
You should also wash no more than twice a day and use only unperfumed soap.
If you are in a sexual relationship, avoid sex if possible or at the very least, wear a condom.
To strengthen the levels of good bacteria in the vagina, one excellent natural way to do this is by the use of probiotics.
Live yogurt is rich in probiotic bacteria and this can be introduced directly into the bacteria via a tampon.
Although isolated outbreaks of BV are not usually dangerous, women who have repeated outbreaks are putting themselves at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility.
Bacterial vaginosis is a very common condition affecting most women at some point or another, usually, but not exclusively, during their childbearing years.
For some, it is nothing more than an isolated outbreak and may arrive and disappear for no apparent reason.
For others though, it is a recurring condition which never really seems to clear up.
A little knowledge as to the nature of BV can mean the difference between being BV free for life, or suffering for years.
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.
Usually, the beneficial bacteria in the vagina maintains control and is supported by a mildly acidic pH level.
When this level is upset and conditions become alkaline, harmful bacteria grows out of control and it is this which causes the symptoms of BV which include itching or burning of the delicate vaginal tissues and a watery discharge which is usually gray or white and has a pungent fishy odor.
Antibiotics work by killing off all vaginal bacteria, both good and bad.
This means that as soon as the antibiotics are finished and bacteria repopulates the vagina, there is not enough "good" bacteria to keep the bad bacteria under control and the whole cycle begins again.
In addition, antibiotics cannot address the root cause of BV.
It's a well-known fact that around 75% of women who take antibiotics for bacterial vagnosis will have further outbreaks within a few weeks Knowing how to treat recurring bacterial vaginosis naturally is the key.
You need to eliminate the root causes and use strategies to enhance the levels of good bacteria which means that the body is well-able to fight any future potential outbreaks.
Some common reasons why women get BV include smoking, being under the weather, a change of sexual partner and overwashing.
Therefore, stopping smoking will help, as will taking a multivitamin supplement.
You should also wash no more than twice a day and use only unperfumed soap.
If you are in a sexual relationship, avoid sex if possible or at the very least, wear a condom.
To strengthen the levels of good bacteria in the vagina, one excellent natural way to do this is by the use of probiotics.
Live yogurt is rich in probiotic bacteria and this can be introduced directly into the bacteria via a tampon.
Although isolated outbreaks of BV are not usually dangerous, women who have repeated outbreaks are putting themselves at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility.