Health & Medical Pain Diseases

How Are Neck and Back Pain Linked?

You must have definitely noticed that neck and back pain somehow manage to come together and must have often wondered why this happens.
Well, this is no coincidence.
Neck, shoulder and back pain are indeed linked.
Pain in the lower back often appears to move upwards in the body till it touches the neck area.
That is why you often feel stiffness in the neck region while suffering from back pain and vice versa.
How are these two pains linked and what is it that you can do to resolve one or, preferably, both the issues? Read on to find out more about this..
The link between neck and back pain You often tend to wonder if you are merely imagining pain in the leg and neck along with your back pain.
Rest assured, there are a whole lot of people among us who experience this self-same problem.
Why does this happen and what is it that links neck pain to back pain? The back muscles form huge network that covers many areas of our body.
They control muscles in the shoulders, neck and legs as well.
This is why back and neck pain are connected.
If you have a crick in the neck, the back muscles swing into hyperactivity to support the upper body.
The result is that they get quite stressed out in the process! Similarly, if there is an injury to the back, the neck muscles do not receive the support they normally should, so they feel strained as well.
Since the muscles of both areas are connected, each gets debilitated without the support of the other.
Hence neck pain creates back pain and vice versa.
Resolving the issue of neck and back pain Now that you know how neck and back pain are connected, you will hopefully also realize how important it is that you care for them both.
The first thing you should do is to prevent a strain from affecting both these parts of your body.
Keep up the right kind of posture, lift weights the right way, walk straight and stop slouching or hunching.
These are the first few things you can do to avoid neck and back pain.
If you somehow managed to cause a strain to either part, make all efforts to keep the other relaxed and free of trouble.
Placing a heating pad on the affected area can be of great help to bestow relief.
Also, sleeping with a pillow placed under the knees helps take a lot of strain off the back muscles.
Be careful about moving around.
Do not give jerks as far as possible to your body.
That itself could cause neck and/or back pain.
Take good care of these faculties of your body and you can very soon be totally free of your pain in the neck and back area.
Being watchful and acting before trouble strikes is the sensible thing to do.
This helps you altogether prevent neck and back pain for life.
Now you understand the exact meaning of the proverb, "Look before you leap", right?!
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