Health & Medical Women's Health

Reasons Why Douching Might be a Candida Solution

Vaginal yeast infections are a fact of life for many women and natural remedies are increasingly popular because many are growing weary of having to continually use prescription meds to cure their symptoms.
Many are looking to the practice of douching with natural ingredients as a solution.
Candida albicans, the bacteria responsible for yeast infections can get overgrown and douching can eradicate them from the area.
It can be done preventatively as well if you are prone to recurring candida but many doctors don't recommend douching as the vagina is self cleaning and has a delicate pH level.
This article explores a good reason to douche; the quest for a natural yeast infection treatment.
Many health problems can cause yeast infections but a yeast infection is a good reason to consider douching.
Normally doctors don't recommend that women purchase commercial douches because their bodies have such a delicate pH balance that could easily be disrupted by introducing foreign liquids.
Anyone considering douching should be careful because secretion problems and pelvic inflammatory disease can happen.
Yeast infections can be very bothersome and most women get them at sometime in their lives.
Continuous infection can also occur and it gets pretty exasperating to have to continue to use prescription drugs and creams.
Many women who have had repeated yeast infections or those who strive to do things as naturally as possible are interested in home remedies for yeast infections.
Women have been told not to douche for many years but this practice is increasing in popularity among those learning to combat candida the natural way.
Douching for candida can help restore your body's pH balance and this can result in your being able to maintain a healthy level of bacteria.
Candida bacteria exists inherently in our bodies but in small quantities.
When the quantities begin to multiply, which can happen due to several factors, side effects begin.
If you restore your pH balance in your body, your yeast infection can be cured naturally.
Not only can you eat healthier foods and drink healthier beverages but douching might be helpful as well.
By cleansing the vagina with various ingredients, you can naturally kill candida bacteria.
There are candida diets and candida douche recipes you can find to help you battle yeast infections in a more natural way.
What should you use? Many recommend battling a yeast infection either with a douche or by soaking a tampon in certain ingredients and wearing it for a period of time (such as an hour a day for several days.
Different sources list varying recipes and time frames.
) You can mix a solution of water and one of the following ingredients to balance the delicate balance and not only remove candida but create an environment where natural and positive flora will flourish.
Be sure to investigate to find out exact recipe quantities.
-3% hydrogen peroxide -Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic with the mother) -Tea Tree oil -Plain unsweetened yogurt -grapefruit seed extract Regardless of what you choose, you could find that the ingredient helps your body restore the natural self cleaning powers it's meant to have which can keep unhealthy yeast from multiplying.
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