Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Massage - Massage Types

Some argue that those who started the tradition of massage are the Indians who used massage Ayurveda - knowledge of life. This theory of medicine the world's oldest uses instilling points marma similar points of acupuncture, to balance the life force. Massage Ayurveda is part of a philosophical approach holistic which relates to the unity of body and mind and the unity of man and his environment. It stems from a tradition thousands of years that passed from one generation to the Unity view, and therapeutic attempts.

In 2500 BC the ancient Egyptians made sure to get a foot massage that brings calm and relaxing day chores difficult.

In 1000 BC Japanese monks in China studied aspects of Chinese medicine includes massage. Ultimately this massage is called Shiatsu.

In 800 BC Greek athletes to maintain the value massages the muscles what we know today sports massage.
Massage styles:

Aisln massage - a method known in the Israeli consciousness as one of the ideas that lie behind the massage Aisln is refined work on the physical centers of tension allows a deeper tensions to surface and be released.

Massage Aisln intuitive massage is considered the desert to his soul and spirit of the patient.


System of Japanese massage based on principles similar to those of acupuncture (acupuncture called in the jargon) means finger pressure. The therapist presses with his finger or thumb on certain points an acupuncturist inserts needles to achieve a similar effect. Shiatsu also used in hand at the elbows and even feet for relaxation or lecturer in the balance of the flow of yin and yang energies in the meridians.

Yin and yang - are part of the Hfilofosih Taoist underlying method of Acupuncture traditional shiatsu. Yin and yang describe energies or attributes. Two types of energy contradictory and complementary flows in nature. Humans are seen as part of that whole. Energies of yin and yang flowing body of a network of pipes called meridians when Yang energy flows down the back of the body and energy of yen flows up the front of the body both hold between them a balance subtle and constant when the equilibrium exists and the energy flows freely, one feels healthy but if one of the meridians is blocked at one point and a surplus or shortage of energy is developing disease. The role of acupuncture or pressure is open the blockages and allow free flow of energy and balanced.

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is massage that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue

Movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated in areas of tension and pain.

Deep tissue massage to break the chronic stress, angina, which aggregates the person and closes the circle of pain.

The pain cycle is a chain of events causes of the disease deep tissue massage and stress reduction applies back to their routine, normal and healthy.

Deep Tissue massage is strong, into the mucosal tissue, not every patient can tolerate such treatment.

My experience taught me that many women receiving a deep tissue massage with pleasure because of the importance which is so big and the healing that occurs after a deep tissue massage.

Different deep tissue massage holistic massage used for relaxation Swedish deep tissue massage focuses on problem solving such as:

    Chronic pain - neck pain, amount, lower back, upper back muscle pain
    Limited mobility - the wrist, arms, legs, neck.
    Recovery from injuries - sports injuries, whiplash, falls, bruises.
    Stability issues - the purpose of deep tissue massage to balance the body's stability
    Reducing stress - stress release, removal of waste, better oxygen flow
    Fibromyalgia - Pain in the muscles and connective tissue fibers and tendons

Yes it can be painful ...

After the treatment, deep tissue massage may be pain and stress in tension and in the depth of the muscles up to 48 hours after treatment.

Nothing to fear or worry is normative and desirable action after a deep tissue massage

After 24 hours, you will feel the relief and liberation, and the feeling is wonderful

The pain of deep tissue massage is nothing compared to the tension before the treatment (although not always patient will feel the mounting tension in his body)

To empty the metabolic waste of the tissues after treatment you should drink plenty of water and enjoy the fact that they feel much better.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage is a massage, releases, it is essential to the body and preferably once a month.

Hot Stone Massage is a massage that was used originally Indians of North America has been about 300 years ago Hmhstmso him to balance the body physically and spiritually.

According to tradition, when they were tired and exhausted Hayndianimhoserimmhtziid their wives were waiting for them with bowls of boiling water stones and hot towels and treat them with love and patience.

The massage is combined with hot basalt stones that are cultivated and used as receptacles for the most basic of minerals and energy from nature and transfers them directly to the patient.

Basalt (hot / cold) are of special features with controlled contact of the stones on the body and release energy draining process is called Gao - - thermo-therapy and is taking advantage of features of natural heating and cooling needs treatment.

The treatment stimulates the most important physiological feature of "vascular gymnastics" which accelerates blood circulation and improves activity of the heart stimulates all systems of the body's natural renewal and energy fills the patient calm and a general sense of refinement and purity.

Work harmoniously combines massage with the stones and touch therapist with the power of the stone is used as a substitute for the analyst's physical strength.

Method Hot Stone Massage was brought to Israel from the United States is developing a method Mary Hannigan treats American experience. One day when she suffered pain in her shoulder, she decided to Mary to go to the sauna and when she decided to plant one of the sauna in a towel against the ache in her shoulder. She took a hot stone and placed it on her shoulder painful surprise The pain was relieved within a short time and this gave her the inspiration to combine the treatment with hot stones.

The purpose of Hot Stone Massage

    Create deep relaxation
    Body balance spiritually and mentally
    Strengthening the immune system
    Acceleration of blood flow
    Speeding up metabolism - from 15% more than usual
    Cleaning and draining toxins from the blood
    Acceleration of curing various body systems
    Opening blockages and stagnation in the body - working on Htzakrot

Hot Stone Massage efficiency

Effective treatment for back pain, sore muscles and muscle weakness, muscle atrophy and skeletal structure problems in motion disabilities, trauma, menstrual pain ...

Hot Stone Massage Frequency

Patients who suffer from chronic treatment is recommended once a month to strengthen the processes of cleansing and healing and strengthening the rules of the body systems, including natural medicine is preventive medicine!

Patients suffering from chronic back pain, muscle atrophy, or muscle weakness should take a series of treatments with it has to wait at least 3-4 days because the true healing takes place 72-90 hours after treatment.

Who is not suitable for hot stone massage

    Up to 6 months after surgical operation
    Insulin-dependent diabetes sufferers
    Pregnant women
    Those who suffer from varicose veins
    With high blood pressure
    Those who suffer from skin diseases
    Sufferers Mkofroseis
    Heart patients

Hot Stone Massage duration is 60-90 D. C.
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