Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Liver Enlargement

The liver is an extremely important organ as it is the seat of the five digestive fires of the human body and also the converter of plasma into blood. So, from an Ayurvedic point of view, the liver is the master controller of the entire body. However, the liver is susceptible to a large number of disorders also. One of these is the abnormal enlargement of the liver, which is known as hepatomegaly.

Liver enlargement needs prompt medical attention. The cause of the hepatic enlargement should be identified and treatment should be started accordingly. Hepatitis is caused by a virus and can be categorized into acute and chronic. If the Hepatitis continues for more than six months it is termed as Chronic Hepatitis. Chronic Hepatitis is caused by treatment failures of Acute Hepatitis. The symptoms of chronic hepatitis are mild in comparison to acute hepatitis. Certain medications also have a adverse action on the liver, especially anti-fungal like Ketoconazole, anti TB medicines like Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide.

Ayurveda places the liver at the center of the body. It is the house of all the five digestive agnis, or fires, and hence if anything goes wrong with the liver, digestion will be the first activity to come under peril. The liver is also responsible for converting plasma (Rasa dhaatu) to blood (Rakta dhaatu) in conjunction with the spleen. Thus, liver defects can cause serious blood ailments also.

Children whose diet is deficient in calcium suffer from nosebleed. If the diet includes mil, oranges, green vegetables and other calcium bearing substances nosebleed will automatically vanish after some time.An immediate expedient is to wash the face of the child with cold water. A bandage half an inch thick and two inches broad should be wetted with water and applied to the spinal column of the sufferer from nosebleed for fifteen to twenty minutes to give immediate relief.

Our body absorbs large amounts of toxic substances from our environment every day. These toxins will eventually be stored in our liver and once it overloaded our natural filter, it will cause trouble in eliminating toxic wastes in our body which will then eventually harm other organs leading to a more complicated scenario. It is our responsibility to give extra care to our liver and provide proper nutrients that will help in performing its functions effectively.

The disease in humans depends on the number of worms a person is infected with. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, liver enlargement, diarrhea, significant eosinophilia, necrosis of liver tissues during the acute phase of the illness.In the chronic stage, bile duct obstruction, fibrosis, and cirrhosis are possible. The adult fluke can live in the human body for up to 9 years producing eggs.

Liver & Spleen have been considered as the most important body organs and their disorders have been extensively described in the original Ayurvedic epics, believed to be more than 5000 years old. Although the causes may vary characteristically with climatic country conditions, their disorders have been described with common aetiologies.
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